Cherishing Our Gifts: The Power of Gratitude & Appreciation
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  • Participe de webinars interativos toda semana
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  • *Nas localidades participantes. Haverá restrições aplicadas.
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Vá ainda mais fundo na sabedoria da Kabbalah com orientação personalizada e leituras de mapas.

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Leitura de Mapa Astral Kabalístico

Aprender sobre nossa alma por meio de um mapa astrológico ajuda a dar mais significado e maior compreensão às experiências que enfrentamos, às pessoas que conhecemos, ao trabalho que fazemos e às bifurcações da estrada.

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Orientação Pessoal - Serviços do Kabbalah Centre

Sessões personalizadas individuais com um instrutor para aprofundar em uma área que lhe interessa ou oferecer suporte onde você mais precisa. As reuniões abrangem desde relacionamentos, tikkun e estudo profundo do Zohar, todas personalizados especialmente para você.

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05:00 PM

Cherishing Our Gifts: The Power of Gratitude & Appreciation

Webinário Interativo (Zoom_

There is so much to be thankful for in our lives. We may be grateful for our health, job security, or the support we receive from friends and family. Gratitude emerges from an understanding that everything that comes into our lives is there to assist us in our spiritual growth. This knowledge helps us see events as opportunities rather than obstacles. Join us for an inspiring seminar as we explore how we can develop and nurture gratitude in our lives. Learn how to build true appreciation and embrace challenges as blessings sent from the universe to help you grow.

Kabbalists teach that counting our blessings isn’t something we should do simply because it’s nice or makes us feel good. Recognizing the blessings we receive is, in fact, a tool for maintaining those blessings, and attracting new ones into our lives. Following the class, students are invited to participate in a 21 day Gratitude Challenge led by Rachel Madar. Receive daily appreciation prompts and exercises on WhatsApp to cultivate a habit of appreciation and align with the power of a grateful heart and mindset.


Join the 21 Day Gratitude Challenge!

Following the class, students are invited to participate in a 21 Day Gratitude Challenge led by Rachel Madar. Receive daily appreciation prompts and exercises on WhatsApp to cultivate a habit of appreciation and align with the power of a grateful heart and mindset.  

Participating in this challenge will serve as a framework for accountability.

Steps that will be provided during the 21 Day Gratitude Challenge:

  1. Gratitude Meditation: Establish a daily practice of gratitude meditation. Dedicate a few moments each day to reflect on the things you are thankful for. Immerse yourself in the positive emotions linked to gratitude. Visualize yourself surrounded by the aspects of life that bring you appreciation.
  2. Express Gratitude: Foster a sense of gratitude in your life by expressing it more frequently. Make it a habit to say "thank you" whenever someone does you a favor or contributes positively to your life.
  3. Focus on Abundance: Redirect your attention from what you lack to what you already possess.


Nota: Todos os horários estão no seguinte fuso horário: America/Los_Angeles.

  • Quinta-feira, Agosto 29, 2024, 05:00 PM PDT
  • Quinta-feira, Setembro 05, 2024, 05:00 PM PDT
  • Quinta-feira, Setembro 19, 2024, 05:00 PM PDT

Date(s): Quinta-feira, Agosto 29, 2024 – Quinta-feira, Setembro 19, 2024

Webinário Interativo (Zoom_

Apresentado por: Virtual Live Learning (USA & Canada)

Esta é uma Aula Virtual Ao Vivo. Após a inscrição, você receberá um e-mail com instruções sobre como acessar online. Incentivamos se inscrever antecipadamente para ter tempo para receber este e-mail e fazer o download do software necessário para participar da aula.

Sessions: 3

Valor: USD 42.00

Instrutor(es): Rachel Madar

Idioma: Inglês