Balak: Turning Curses Into Blessings
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Balak: Turning Curses Into Blessings

Publicado: Julho 22, 2024
Originalmente gravado: Julho 20, 2024

Curtir 13 Comentários Compartilhar

Destaques da Aula

  • Listening to the voice of nature
  • The only way of living is by truly listening to the voice of the Light
  • The secret of the mouth of the donkey, as it gives us the path to our grow and development
  • Challenges are only love from the Creator, and are there for our own benefit
  • Hearing the whisper of love
  • Everything that comes from the Creator is love and blessings
  • This is the secret of the Bat Kol, the effect of the voice of the Light
    • Listening to what's happening behind (this is the path that needs to be followed)
    • Pause
    • Realizing that the Light only gives us blessings and goodness

Descrição da Aula

Michael Berg decodes the secrets of the Torah's portion Balak, and clearly explains that it is our job to understand that whatever is represented as a curse, is indeed a blessing, for the love that exists behind it contains the unique essence of the Light of the Creator.

Sobre este Curso

Every day of our lives, we’re protected and experiencing miracles that we may not be tuned-into. Like Rav Berg once said to a student who one day closely avoided a car accident, “I had an even bigger miracle. I left the house on my way here and nothing happened!” With this week’s energy of Balak, we can strengthen the protection we receive from negative forces and appreciate the unseen miracles we’re blessed with.

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