Lesson 4: The Secret of Successful Transactions
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Kabbalah 5
A Deep Kabbalistic Study on the Formation of the Universe

Lesson 4: The Secret of Successful Transactions

Publicado: Fevereiro 17, 2025
Originalmente gravado: Fevereiro 1, 2021

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Destaques da Aula

  • In life during our transactions, we have a seller and a buyer
  • The Light always comes before the vessel
  • At every moment, we should be willing to walk away, not attaching ourselves with stuff
  • If our desire is pure, nobody would take it away
  • The cause is the ruler, the effect is the vessel
  • Having a desire to give, somebody has a desire to receive
  • The true seller is not the vessel is the giver
  • Making sure of having a true desire to give and help people as an extension and channel of the Light
  • Being the light in every area of our life
  • Overcoming desperation, expectations and worries
  • A true seller doesn’t manipulate or coerce
  • Asking the Light to help us attract the right buyer
  • A transaction is not when we get the money, a transaction is a continuous flow of energy that continues to happen

Descrição da Aula

When we want something, to buy something, we should ask the Light, is it mine? Does it need to be revealed by me?

Kabbalah teaches that it is our job to always want and desire that which belongs to us, and asking the Light to give us experiences for our own evolution, correction, and growth. 

Sobre este Curso

10 Lesson Course. New lessons added weekly! | The next step on our spiritual journey is a deep dive into the most profound teachings of two of history’s most illustrious and elevated kabbalists, Rav Isaac Luria (the Ari) and Rav Ashlag. Having earned wide acclaim for his prodigious capacity for spiritual study and understanding, the Ari wrote a historic commentary on the Zohar that explained some of the most important kabbalistic ideas and practices used today, including the concept of tikkune, or correction of the soul. Rav Ashlag founded The Kabbalah Centre and dedicated his entire life to bringing the wisdom of Kabbalah to anyone willing to learn. His wisdom and teachings paved the way for modern kabbalistic thought and practice.

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