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Каббала Центр
Февраль 8, 2013
Нравится 21 Коментарии 4 Поделиться

If you have ever felt that something larger was at work or that an invisible hand played a part in the unfolding of events in your life, then you have experienced the work of angels. Kabbalah teaches that there is a structure to the universe and that angels are an integral part of this system. They guide us, send us messages, and intervene when necessary, working through us and around us. Angels facilitate the circulation of energy throughout the universe, having a direct impact on everything that happens in the world, no matter how big or small.

Understanding how angels influence and affect our lives is imperative to spiritual growth. They are ever-present tools for transformation – we need only ask for their assistance. Whether or not you are conscious of them or accept them, angels will continue to influence your life and the lives of those around you. However, being aware of their existence gives us the opportunity to create joy and fulfillment in our lives and resist chaos.

There are both positive and negative angels at work all around us. Which angels you attract depends upon your actions. According to The Zohar, when you hurt someone, break a trust or act cruelly, you beckon destructive angels in your life. Conversely, when you share openly and commit acts of loving-kindness, you attract positive angels and Light. Therefore, you are directly responsible for the angelic forces influencing your life.

These positive and negative forces existed in the world long before we were here. Some of the best known angels have existed forever: the Angel of Death, Archangels, and Guardian Angels. Different angels serve different purposes. While angels may step in to save your life, they can also help take you to the next step in your spiritual evolution. Sometimes, a problem is solved “mysteriously” or a “coincidence” leads things to turn in your favor.

Other times, an angel can come to you as an ordinary person. An angel disguised as an acquaintance or passerby can be someone who encourages you to take a different direction or asks you a question that leads to deeper introspection. They could even require assistance, giving you the opportunity to bring Light into the world and attract more positivity.

According to Kabbalah, your Guardian Angel escorted your soul into this world at birth and travels at your side until your death. Throughout your life’s journey, your Guardian Angel is a friend, teacher, and spiritual partner steering you back on track when you stray. The more you open yourself to his or her influence, the more Light you can bring into the world, the more positive connections you will make, the more doors that will open to you. They help us attain levels we couldn’t achieve acting solo.

Just as your Guardian Angel encourages your spiritual growth, your Negative Angel acts as your Opponent, drawing you toward destructive behavior and pressuring you to indulge your ego. The actions you take in the face of resistance have a direct impact on your spiritual growth and transformation. Your Negative Angel brings your strengths and weaknesses into full view. Deep self-awareness allows you to maximize your merits and minimize your shortcomings. As a result, your Negative Angel gives you the opportunity to better your life and expand your consciousness.

The essence of angels is within each of us. Through our transformation, we can become eternal beings, just like angels. When we overcome the Desire to Receive for the Self Alone, we become more like them—the very best version of ourselves possible.

Коментарии 4