A Willing Heart
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A Willing Heart

Карен Берг
Август 18, 2024
Нравится 44 Коментарии 17 Поделиться

This article was originally published in 2018. 

Desire is the essence of life. It is what drives and propels us to follow and manifest our dreams. It is the force of nature. It lies within even the blade of grass encouraging it to grow. Desire makes the flowers bloom, the sun rise, and our hearts beat. It causes the birds to leave their nests and us to venture out in pursuit of a better life. Desire is what differentiates we humans from all other beings on earth. We have the greatest desire to create and experience fulfillment. It is because of this desire that we are able to accomplish great things and draw the Light Force of the Creator, allowing us to even change the world. With hard work and determination, we can achieve anything. We need only to be willing to make the effort. This week, as the final days of Leo burn bright, our desire for the Light burns bright in our souls. We are awakened to all that is good, and we are inspired to obtain all the blessings life has to offer. We are given the gift of a willing heart and willing mind to follow the path of the Light. For we now know that it is on this path that the gates of abundance swing wide open and the life of our dreams is within our reach. 

"Desire is the essence of life."

Our portion of the Bible this week is Ekev. Ekev translates as “if you follow.”  Moses continues to speak to the Israelites, acting as their loving guide and teacher. He tells them that if they follow in the ways of the Creator, everything will indeed work out and they can live a joyful life in the Promised Land. The Promised Land is a state of consciousness where life is blessed, and all needs and authentic desires are met. In order to follow the Creator, however, we need humility. Humility allows us to understand that we are not always able to see the bigger picture in life. Humility asks us to trust the Creator especially when we think we may know better or the path ahead may be a challenge.

A secret of humility can be found in the word “ekev” as it also translates to the word “heel,” the lowest part of the human body that makes direct contact with the ground. The feet serve us and allow us to walk our path. We are blessed with the humility to follow the Creator this week, to be at His heels, trusting in our heart we are being led to a life of blessings. Connecting to the “heel” allows us to be in awe of the Universe, removing our resistance. This awe enables us to see the gifts we have been given and the many times we have been given a second chance. Moses inspires us to follow the path of love for the Creator with humility. All we need is a willing mind and heart. The Creator promises if we act in love for our fellow man then we can have all that is good in this world. Love boomerangs back to us giving us protection and blessings. If we listen to the Creator and chose to follow the path of giving, then blessings will come our way.

This portion mentions the famous saying, “Man does not live by bread alone, but by everything that proceeds out of the Mouth of the Lord does man live.” Our sustenance, prosperity, and livelihood originate from nowhere other than the Light Force of the Creator. Moses continues, reminding the Israelites of all the miracles they had witnessed. For forty years in the desert, the Israelites clothes did not tear and their feet did not swell. They are reminded of being freed from Egypt, the giving of the Torah, and the manna that came to them in the desert. Moses encourages us to count our blessings and to be aware of their true source. In this way we are inspired to connect further with the source of all good things – the Creator. Moses is knocking on the walls of all of our hearts, inspiring us to trust in the Creator, take his hand, and allow him to lead us to all that is good. The path of the Creator needs constant renewal and attention. With the Creator by our side, we can achieve anything. Our lives can be blessed, prosperous, and full of good things. 

"The gates of love are open unto us."

Often, we can find ourselves thinking we do not need help. We can lose appreciation for our gifts and become unwilling to change our ways. We can ignore guidance from others, blind to the fact that the Creator is attempting to guide us. In our hearts, we know where we have gone astray, but it takes courage to see it and start a new path. Life is always giving us second chances to make things better though. We are on earth to make mistakes and learn from them. Our hearts may be small, but in time they can expand to experience all the love that is out there waiting for us. Our willingness to walk with the Creator and take the path of love is our most important mission on earth. For Light can only give to us as much as we give to others. When we open the gates of love to others, the gates of love are open unto us.

This week in your meditations, take yourself to the hillside, where the sun shines on the land in the early morning breeze. Imagine you are walking through a flower field where hundreds of buds are about to bloom. An entire land of glorious colors spreads across the field. You walk barefoot through what seems to be thousands of the most beautiful flowers you have ever seen. As the sun rises higher and intensifies in the sky, you see the flowers beginning to open their buds. As the flowers open to life, you feel your own heart open, too. A desire to be closer to the Creator blooms inside of you. You feel your spirit soften. You are willing to walk the path of the Creator, to love others, and yourself. You desire the best in life and are willing to do what is necessary to achieve it. For it is only when we give goodness to others, can goodness come our way.

Коментарии 17