With Earth Day upon us, I've been thinking a lot about the nature of Nature. The idea of Nature and all things natural has infiltrated most every corner of our lives--from psychology (it's "in her nature") to our food (those "natural flavors" are the best, right?) to the genuine quality we describe in the "natural state of things." Nature has become somewhat synonymous with an aspect of authenticity, and it's no wonder.
Kabbalah teaches that the Creator is All, and All is the Creator. There is no "us" and "them" when it comes to the natural world. There is only the We.
And I feel this myself when I'm away from the city, or when I'm able to look past the traffic and the human-made structures enough to tune into the richness of life beyond. I feel less "me" and more "we" when I notice the clouds, the wind, the sounds of birds, the change in colors. When I’m optimizing my body and spirit, when I am honoring and using them in ways that feed them, I feel like Nature and I are working hand-in-hand! And I'm overwhelmed with gratitude.