Remember the famous song, "Age of Aquarius," from the 1967 musical Hair? In it, the 5th Dimension sings, "Harmony and understanding/Sympathy and trust abounding... This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius!"
It's a poetic (if a bit psychedelic) reminder of what is possible in the world. According to Earth Sky writers Bruce McClure and Deborah Byrd, the astrological Age of Aquarius relates to shifts in constellations over thousands of years. Some astrologers believe we are currently in this age, while others say it's still centuries away. In any case, the month of Aquarius (Shevat in Hebrew) opens the cosmic window to the energy of harmony for all!
No wonder, then, that Aquarians have a knack for perceiving the gestalt, or the unified whole. Many born under the sign are drawn to causes greater than themselves, often affecting positive transformation in the world. Among them are leaders and changemakers from all walks of life: Abraham Lincoln, Galileo Galilei, Rosa Parks, Charles Darwin, and Frederick Douglass, to name a few. Personality-wise, those born under this sign tend to be independent, progressive, and creative thinkers. In fact, this sign's energy is almost diametrically opposed to that which we experienced in the month of Capricorn. Whereas Capricorn loves rules and boundaries (and can use a bit of rebellion), Aquarius sees beyond walls, borders, and confines of every kind. It is an air sign–unbounded and connected with the infinite.