Astrology Forecast for December 1-7, 2024
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Astrology Forecast for December 1-7, 2024

Мириям Ашкенази
Декабрь 1, 2024
Нравится 21 Коментарии 3 Поделиться

“The secret that the portion of Vayetze reveals is that the way we grow spiritually is through the choice we make to keep going, to persevere... What choices are you facing in your life right now? This is a good week to think about them and to start to see them in a different light. For any fork in the road that arises in the next seven days, no matter how big or small, is an opportunity for us to re-choose.” – Karen Berg on the portion of Vayetze

This week, Mercury in retrograde is the highlight, influenced by how it interacts with other planets. Based on the cosmic alignments, it is typical to choose, re-choose, reconsider, and generally go back and forth on all decisions this week.

We begin the week with a powerful New Moon in Sagittarius. This sign arrives to offer us an abundance of miracles, enlightenment, and growth. Joined by a powerful and positive aspect between Venus in Capricorn and Uranus in Uranus, we are guided by balanced and grounded energy. It’s a good mix of new and old. Think: innovative and trusting, persevering while incorporating what’s already been done and established.

At the same time, Mercury is in the midst of its last retrograde motion of the year 2024. Since this retrograde motion takes place in the sign of Sagittarius, we are invited to revisit our beliefs and ideas.

Towards the end of the week (12/6-12/7), Mercury will also form a more conflicting aspect with Saturn in Pisces. This aspect can truly challenge our spiritual certainty and deeply established beliefs. This is a time when we can aim to really rise above and view challenges, unanswered questions, or conflicts in the most spiritually elevated way. The goal is to avoid falling into the illusion that the universe is out to get us. This is not the time to fall into conspiracy theories or to give energy to doubting your community.

On those days, the conjunction of the Sun and Mercury, and the oppositions they form with Jupiter might add another flair to the fire of debate. There are many choices we can make. As Karen Berg taught, “For any fork in the road that arises in the next seven days, no matter how big or small, is an opportunity for us to re-choose.”

Коментарии 3