Astrology Forecast for December 22-28, 2024
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  • *Не во всех Центрах. Действуют ограничения.
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Astrology Forecast for December 22-28, 2024

Батшева Шустер
Декабрь 22, 2024
Нравится 9 Коментарии 5 Поделиться

This week the universe teaches us about the power of words. As we start the week, the Moon conjunct the South Node, asks the question: where are we compromised in our lives? Sometimes our days are not the most productive, so if things are not going your way, take time to reflect and breathe.

We have an important T-cross this week: Mercury in Sagittarius in opposition to Jupiter in Gemini, and both of them square to Saturn in Pisces. What does it mean on a practical level? On a positive note, it can help us tell our story. Think: writing a book, or a blog, or even spinning fairy tales.

Mercury in Sagittarius can be a bit loose, throwing words into the air, or making promises without follow-up. There is an attempt to look smart and divine. People can be all over the place. It is not a good time for sharp analysis with words with gossip so erratic.

Saturn is a planet that asks us to be responsible and walk the talk. When we speak, Saturn asks, “Did you really mean that?” and “Are you aware of the energy you created with your words?” According to the kabbalists, the world was created by words, and every time we speak, we create vibration and energy. They teach that sometimes a word is worth one gold coin and silence is worth two gold coins. This week, before rushing into commitments you are not sure you can live up to, take some time and be aware of what you create with the words. We can create positivity in the world by using them in the correct way.

One of The 72 Names of God (number 40) is all about speaking the right words. Meditating on this number can help us to connect our heart, our throat, and our mouth. Be careful not to use words of flattery, and be cautious if you receive false praise. This aspect of Jupiter in such a position to Mercury can be very influential for all kinds of storytelling and words that are not connected to what is really happening on a deeper level.

The Moon also squares the Sun. This aspect of Libra-Capricorn can create judgment, but we can use it for good to analyze what is positive for us and what is not. Use this aspect to discern the right paths for you in your life. (When a person has this aspect in their natal chart, they have the potential to be good lawyers or judges.)

Wednesday, the Moon enters Scorpio and will square Pluto and then square Mars. This aspect comes to help us be real. Every planet that comes in contact with Pluto experiences some difficulties. The Moon represents our emotions and our need for security. When it comes to Pluto, we might feel exposed emotionally. This doesn’t mean we need to go out into the streets and talk to everyone about the troubles and challenges we have. Sometimes things come to the surface in order for us to see more clearly and deal with them. The Moon will also be in opposition to Uranus, an aspect that will enhance this understanding. Use your emotions to feel for others and create true connections.

In the evening of the 24th, we reach the cosmic window in time called Chanukah, which gives us access to connect to miracles for the entire year. Miracles happen when we rise above challenges and creative opportunities for ourselves and others. Miracles happen when we do not limit the blessings we can receive. Miracles happen when we share and transform beyond what is expected of us. Jupiter is the planet of miracles and blessings, and when it is in Gemini it tells us to see the Light and unity within people. Gemini is about communication, brainstorming, and the nervous and the respiratory systems. We are all organs of one body called humanity. Keep the right boundaries in your life, connect with people, and breathe deeply.

Коментарии 5