Astrology Forecast for October 27 – November 2, 2024
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Astrology Forecast for October 27 – November 2, 2024

Батшева Шустер
Октябрь 27, 2024
Нравится 11 Коментарии 7 Поделиться

We are in the last week of the month of Libra, heading into the New Moon of Scorpio, which occurs Friday. Even though the Sun is already three degrees in Scorpio, kabbalistically we will be there only on Friday. Mercury moves into Sagittarius by next Sunday—a place of detriment, but before that, Mercury is in its last degree of Scorpio, creating some aspects with planets we will want to pay attention to.

Mercury represents how we communicate with others, how we communicate within ourselves, how our body communicates, how we receive information, and how our nervous system responds to the world. As the week opens, Mercury in Scorpio is in a hard aspect with Jupiter retrograde in Gemini. Scorpio is a sign that constantly seeks to deepen understanding about life. Gemini is the sign that is ruled by Mercury, meaning Mercury does not sit well within itself. Pay attention to your communication: how much you are willing to take in and how much you are willing to share. Use this aspect to learn how to set the right boundaries and anchor yourself from within. Use breathing techniques and meditate on the 72 Names of God #38 for circuitry.

Mercury is in its last degrees of Scorpio, and continues an opposition to Uranus, the planet of “suddenly.” Unexpected things can happen. It can also create some electrical ups and downs in the body this week. Pay attention to your anxiety level and make an effort not to indulge it. But when something happens suddenly, keep yourself calm with breath. Activate the power of your soul and remember that everything is a blessing. Do not move into crisis or panic mode no matter what happens.

Be sure not to hold grudges or try to take revenge. Scorpio is under the rulership of Mars, the planet of war. Mars is in Cancer, which can bring some tension with those close to you. Without even paying attention, we can create gaps between us and the people we love. It is a good week to study things in a deeper way, to meditate and connect to nature. As the chart is full of the water element, we can awaken sensitivity and have deeper empathy for others. This week, the kabbalists teach that we are all different organs of one body, the collective consciousness is made up of the personal consciousness and awareness of each of us. We cannot control how other people think, but we can control how we think and how we react to situations.

Wednesday, the Moon in Libra conjunct the South Node, which can bring some emotions back from the past. Think about what you would do if nothing held you back, then awaken the leader within. In general, when the Moon conjunct the South Node, it’s not the best time to initiate things. Wait until the energy of the New Moon kicks in on Thursday. The New Moon in Scorpio brings depth and strength with it.

Коментарии 7