This is perhaps one of the strongest weeks of the year to connect to the energy of spiritual and physical healing. The chart begins with the moon in Scorpio conjunct with the South Node in Scorpio, which is ruled by Mars. And Mars finds itself in Taurus.
Each planet has its place of exaltation or fall. For example, planet Mars is exalted in Capricorn. The moon is exalted in Taurus. Venus is exalted in Pisces. And so on. There is a wisdom behind these positions. Conversely, the moon falls in Scorpio and is under pressure by the South Node. And Mars is in exile in Taurus.
This week we are able to feel the weakest and darkest emotions that live inside our subconscious. The portion of Pinchas speaks about disease and plague. The 16th-century kabbalist Rav Chaim Vital says that the three emotions we should focus on in order to heal the mind are fear, sadness, and anger. All three of these emotions are very much connected to the fallen moon, as the moon rules our emotions.
Sometimes the universe works in paradoxical ways. By exposing our darkest emotions, we can actually transform them and achieve true peace and healing of the mind.