Apart from a strong set of Gemini planets, we begin the week with a rising in Capricorn and a very strong and beautiful Jupiter in Pisces in the second house of money. The cosmos injects a powerful opening for prosperity. We must open our minds for opportunities in financial growth.
In the portion of this week, Moses sent 12 spies to bring word about the special land. Yet, ten of them returned with a very negative report. Only two of them were able to grasp the intense positive spiritual Light in the land. Ancient kabbalists explain that the mistake began with excessive logical, rational analysis of the situation (which happens when Mercury, the planet of intellect, works alone). The key is to use our deep spiritual side to counter-balance logic and Jupiter in Pisces. Our sixth sense and intuition might show us a different (or complete opposite!) perspective.
The second lesson this week is: ten out of twelve were proved to be wrong. Seeking approval and acceptance above our deeper soul's desire can be a trap. The third lesson comes from the enormous power of Gemini, which reminds us to watch what comes out of our mouths.
Mercury begins the week in a stationary position. It is well known that silence can keep us out of problems; a stationary tongue might be the key. Avoid evil speech, as this week it might trickle out and bring us problems.
The bottom line is it's time to receive answers from our souls. Go beyond logic to find guidance toward a life of physical and spiritual prosperity.