Astrology Forecast for the Month of Aries 2024
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  • Воспользуйтесь скидками на мероприятия, услуги наставника и товары*
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  • Присоединяйтесь сегодня
  • *Не во всех Центрах. Действуют ограничения.
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Astrology Forecast for the Month of Aries 2024

Нравится 17 Коментарии 1 Поделиться

Here we are again! We have arrived at a new cycle, a fresh start—an opportunity to connect to the best version of ourselves and claim our own unique powers.

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, and as such, it arrives in time to offer us the exciting energy of motivation, confidence, and vitality. All of this goodness is right here for us to grab, but at the same time, there are opposing energies that can influence us.

Because Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, the great warrior, we need to be mindful of which wars we choose to fight. Is it a war of over ego? To seize, consume, demand, or forcefully push towards our own selfish agenda? Or are we going to use this very powerful energy to fight for something bigger than ourselves—encourage, inspire, and influence change on a grand scale that many others can benefit from? Are we going into a spiritual battle to defeat our own negativity? Or will we choose a battle motivated by greed, superiority, and that is only self-serving? As always, it is up to us whether we activate the energy that is available each month.

In this year’s Aries season, there are a few cosmic shifts and alignments that we should all be mindful of. If we can learn how to activate them in the most spiritual way possible, we can experience joy, blessings, growth, and forward movement.

First of all, on the first day of the month, we have such a strong cluster of planets and forces in Aries: the sun, the moon, Venus, the North Node, Chiron, and Mercury. This united force at the seed level of the month can support us in taking huge leaps. We can tap into our higher selves and visualize ourselves as powerful, influential, authentic, and brave (especially in areas where we feel we need this energy more in this upcoming month or year).

As Mercury in Aries is also in retrograde until April 24th, we are reminded to take a deeper look into areas of our lives where we might share our opinions without tact. These areas are often where we argue without taking a moment to think about the best way to communicate. Take the time to make sure you see the whole picture. Notice where you are not being sensitive to the other person. Use this opportunity to reflect and work on all those areas and relationships in your life where you see these patterns in communication.

On April 19th, the sun moves into the sign of Taurus and forms a harsh aspect with Pluto in Aquarius, which will last until April 24th. This happens to begin on the Shabbat right before Pesach and leads into the first few days of the holiday. This harsh aspect is a perfect opportunity to work on our egos, which fits perfectly into a major theme of Passover. Those few days can be like a big tease—we might feel an urge to react or have a hard time being flexible and open-minded. You may gravitate toward a desire to be alone or follow your own plans, resisting the energy of unity. All of this potentially challenging energy is here to support us as we transform and rise above our nature, choose unity, harmonize, and prioritize the group.

Let’s all tap into this powerful time of the year! The goal is to strive for real and deep transformation that will lead each and every one of us as individuals and as part of a united whole to a much higher, elevated space. Then we can affect great personal and global change for this upcoming year.

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