Astrology Forecast for the Month of Gemini 2020
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  • Включая выгоды:
  • Присоединяйтесь к интерактивным вебинарам каждую неделю
  • Смотреть полный курс по запросу
  • Воспользуйтесь скидками на мероприятия, услуги наставника и товары*
  • И более...
  • Присоединяйтесь сегодня
  • *Не во всех Центрах. Действуют ограничения.
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Astrology Forecast for the Month of Gemini 2020

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On Saturday night, we finally entered the lunar zone of Gemini and received some much-needed ventilation after the Taurus part of the Omer. Let’s make the best out of this new energy! The New Moon’s chart is packed with air and all ready to go. Five celestial bodies are already in Gemini, including the sun, Venus, Mercury, and the North Node, which just shifted. The rising being in Leo allows the air to rise up and inspire us.

The strongest cosmic message is definitely about networking and communication. After the node’s axis (Cancer/Capricorn) this past year, which got us all stranded at home, it’s now time to receive new ideas from others. In fact, the key to understanding the energy of Gemini is the word “speech.” A great kabbalist by the name of Onkelos calls man, “the animal who can talk.” What a strange definition! All animals can surely communicate, but here the emphasis is on speech.

This is the very reason why the months of both Gemini and Virgo, ruled by the same star, are very important time zones. When we take a closer look, the entire zodiac is represented by animals or objects—the ram, the bull, the goat, or the crab, for example. The only signs that include humans are Gemini and Virgo, which are both ruled by Mercury, the carrier of knowledge, and messenger of the planets. Humankind is born to speak, communicate, unite groups, and spread understanding. And that’s exactly the energy revealed this month.

Venus in Gemini makes us a bit all over the place. We need to focus and commit to one thing at a time. And that’s the biggest correction for Geminis. Let’s get familiar with the sign of the month and its implications for us.

Gemini is the perfect Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde character! It’s very difficult to completely know them. Social and communicative, Geminis talk even in their sleep. This is a very gregarious sign that loves gossip, juicy stories, and has a way of finding out about everyone’s secret lives! Journalism is a great career for these 180-degreepeople! It’s very easy to connect with a Gemini, and there is always something interesting to learn from them, even if they never really go in-depth. Geminis are the perfect spiritual surfers: they know a little bit of everything, just enough to maintain a great conversation.

Extremely curious, they are known for their fantastic, and often photographic memories. Gifted with an ear for languages, the power of their speech is legendary. Many politicians are born under this sign because they can convince Eskimos to buy ice. The drive of the sign is purely intellectual—brain stimulation is the important thing. Easily fidgety and bored, they might become attracted to addictive behaviors. Prone to drastic mood swings, they sometimes marry more than once.

The organs of the body to note for a Gemini are the nervous system and lungs.

Famous Geminis who fully used their speaking powers include Anne Frank, JFK, Henry Kissinger, Bob Dylan, Thomas Mann, Blaise Pascal, and Clint Eastwood.

Our spiritual goals for the month are:

  • Control your speech.
  • Bring real depth to all learning.
  • Commit and follow through with your promises.
  • Choose ONE goal to focus on and work towards.
  • Recognize your mistakes.
  • Help others more than you seek knowledge.

Chodesh tov (Good month) to everybody!
