Astrology Forecast for the Month of Leo 2024
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Astrology Forecast for the Month of Leo 2024

Батшева Шустер
Август 1, 2024
Нравится 15 Коментарии 4 Поделиться

Unifying Two Opposing Energies

Here is an astrology joke for you: How does a Leo replace a light bulb? 

They hold the bulb, and the world spins around them.

But seriously, the Sun, as the luminary that controls Leo, is the center of the solar system. All the planets revolve around the Sun and are impacted by its force. Since the sign of Leo is ruled by the Sun, it is similarly radiant and influential. 

Kabbalistically, the Sun represents the emanation of Zeir Anpin from the Tree of Life, the channel through which we receive our life energy. The Sun only controls the month of Leo, so there is an abundance of energy available at this time, which can be very good or very bad, depending on how we use it. 

Leo contains the most negative days of the year and the most positive days of the year. The New Moon of Leo arrives during the tail end of The Three Negative Weeks that are said to be “in between the limitations.” From the start of the New Moon, there are nine days that are considered to be the time with the most abundance of energy. The ninth day of Leo (Tisha b’Av) is a cosmic window in time that ends those three negative weeks. Tisha b’Av is considered a day of great sadness and darkness, as it corresponds to destruction in history. Yet, kabbalists teach that the greater the darkness, the greater the potential for Light. In addition, the great teacher, Karen Berg, was elevated from this world on the Ninth of Av, 2020.

On the flipside, the 15th day of Leo is considered to be the most positive day of the year, a day with a perfect balance between the Sun and the Moon. The kabbalists explain that Moon energy represents the physical world (Malchut), or the vessel, and feminine energy. While the Sun corresponds to the spiritual world (Zeir Anpin), or the Light, and masculine energy. The unification of these two energies, which takes place only on this day, reveals the purpose of creation and makes this one of the most positive days of the year.

The ruler of Leo, the Sun, gives life. The world cannot exist without the Sun, as it is responsible for the crops, the trees, and all aspects of life. On the other hand, the Sun can burn and destroy. This is the energy embodied in Leo, and we are all affected by it. When Leos focus on serving others and using their energy to elevate the world around them, they connect to the life-giving aspect of the Sun. When Leos act out of pride and the desire to receive, they connect to the destructive aspect of the Sun.

When we start the month, the Moon and Saturn have some challenges between them: the Moon in Leo wants to expand, which means drama and soap opera energy. There is a lesson to be learned here. During challenging times, it is important to awaken true empathy toward others, something that comes from the inside and not necessarily for the sake of acknowledgment.

At that time, Mercury is stationed to go retrograde for three weeks. When it goes back to Leo, we can examine how we connect to people in our lives. And there is an opportunity here to study and dive deep into information. It is a good time for research.

Venus also enters Virgo and will be quincunx to Pluto. This is a time to review and check your relationships. Do you invest in and dedicate time to your partner? This month, remember the words “unconditional love." Awake unity without trying to prove who is right and who is wrong. Peace and love are the names of the Creator, and we are all part of this energy.

Important Dates During the Month of Leo:

Evening of August 12th to evening to August 13th – This is the Ninth of Av or Tisha b’Av. Check online for more information about the connections offered at your local Kabbalah Centre. 

August 12th - 15th – Mars conjunct Jupiter. Take care of your nervous system, and make sure you breathe and relax. During this time, we can be prone to becoming argumentative and judging others, especially when Venus is in Virgo, the square of Gemini. Virgo can cause us to forget to appreciate what we have and start to see the bad in people. Focus on looking at the good and avoid falling into crisis. Remember that the universe brings us situations to elevate sparks of Light and to turn them into blessings. Ask yourself where the blessing can be found in any situation. 

August 18th - 19th – From Sunday night to Monday is the Full Moon, which also happens to be the most positive day of the year: Tu b’Av. These two days are also good for getting a massage and sinking into relaxation, as the Moon and the Sun square Uranus. Make sure you calm down the nervous system. Check online for more information about the connections offered at your local Kabbalah Centre.

READ: A Monthly Guide for Parents: Leo

Коментарии 4