Astrology Forecast for the Month of Libra 2024
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Astrology Forecast for the Month of Libra 2024

Рут Нахмияс
Сентябрь 30, 2024
Нравится 16 Коментарии 5 Поделиться

As the sun transitions into Libra from September 22nd to October 21st, we find ourselves deep in one of the most dynamic and transformative seasons of the year. This period also marks the kabbalistic New Year and the start of a new era. The end of Pluto in Capricorn (where it’s been for the last 16 years) and the beginning of Pluto in Aquarius (where it will be for the next 20 years) culminates in the ultra-potent New Moon solar eclipse on October 2nd.

Drop every assumption you have in your life. Every belief you hold is subject to change. The final eclipse of 2024 dovetails with the New Moon in partnership-powered Libra. This one is an annular eclipse. Since the moon doesn’t totally block out the sun, it makes a glowing “ring of fire” around its edges.

This celestial event not only opens and closes significant doors but also marks the conclusion of the era. In the coming New Year, we should prepare ourselves for profound realizations in ways we’ve never anticipated, urging a straightforward, no-nonsense approach to life and the new 20-year cycle.

The shift in cosmic currents will dramatically influence the month of Libra as Jupiter goes retrograde and Pluto moves direct. This is a time to reflect deeply on your journey, revisiting milestones since May (when Jupiter entered Gemini) and even as far back as 2008 (when Pluto first entered Capricorn). We will feel the urge to let go of old patterns and grow positive new ones.

October 17th heralds the Full Moon in Aries, officially marking the end of the second eclipse season of the year. Many of us may find ourselves ascending to a higher understanding and connection of the universe, setting the stage for the intense and transformative energies of Scorpio season.

Another important marker of this new kabbalistic year is the next Saturn–Neptune conjunction, which will occur at zero degrees in Aries. This is the first degree of the zodiac, marking the birth of a new era. The conjunction will be in July 2025 and will be perfect until February 2026. This, in itself, is a new chapter in life: “Saturn’s Next Chapter.” What makes Saturn’s transit in Pisces particularly important and intriguing is the proximity to Neptune. The transit of Neptune into its own sign of Pisces (2011–26) has, among other things, intensified awareness of worldwide issues. Neptune in Pisces represents the dissolution of a global cycle.

On another front, this transit brings to the surface existential questions and an acute awareness to be able to “see” the old patterns we need to let go of. This month prepares us and sets the tone for what happens next.

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