Astrology Forecast for the Month of Sagittarius 2024
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  • Включая выгоды:
  • Присоединяйтесь к интерактивным вебинарам каждую неделю
  • Смотреть полный курс по запросу
  • Воспользуйтесь скидками на мероприятия, услуги наставника и товары*
  • И более...
  • Присоединяйтесь сегодня
  • *Не во всех Центрах. Действуют ограничения.
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Astrology Forecast for the Month of Sagittarius 2024

Нравится 17 Коментарии 4 Поделиться

Welcome to the Month of Miracles! This month offers us the-sky-is-the-limit kind of opportunities. It is also a month where we can truly grow and expand our spiritual awareness and desires.

Ruled by Jupiter, also known as “the great beneficiary,” we are supported with potential abundance, optimism, motivation, and inspiration this month. The question is, how do we tap into this unique power on a daily basis? Opportunities in our lives don't always show up on a silver platter. Rather, the opposite: opportunities can hide in the more difficult, confusing, or depleting moments and experiences.

Let’s take a look at the unique cosmic alignments of this upcoming month so we can know where and when these opportunities may be presented in our lives.

Let’s start with the planet of love and money: Venus! This month, Venus and all its movements and connections to other planets make us feel like we're watching a love story—full of drama and many dynamics.

On December 7th, Venus moves into Aquarius, quickly forming a conjunction with Pluto. It continues in opposition to Mars in Leo until December 13th, signaling us to be ready for intense energy. This might be a bit extreme in examining our love life or finances. We may feel the urge to end things or to completely turn the tables and respond with an overload of aggression. The spiritual recommendation is this: restrict! Don’t let this wave of strong (sometimes over-righteous) thoughts or emotions dictate what you do next. Wait until this strong and intense force passes. This is the time to use any tools in your spiritual arsenal to find balance and calm.

On December 18th, Venus forms a powerful aspect with Jupiter, which can allow all of us to gain better clarity, optimism, and a positive perspective on love and finances. This aspect, during this time, creates an auspicious moment for taking action and making better choices that will serve in the long run.

And here we are again; Venus plays another big role at the end of the month, from December 25th until the 29th, when Venus displays an unstable formation with Uranus again. Another wave of rushed emotions comes, potentially leading to rushed decisions that won’t serve any of us in the moment. Beware of this energy and use the tools you have to stay balanced and grounded.

Another planet we should take a closer look at this month is Mercury. At the beginning of the month, Mercury is still in retrograde. As it shifts out of retrograde on December 15th, Mercury forms a supportive aspect with Mars in Leo until the 19th. What is the opportunity that Mercury brings us? And how can we tap into it?

Well, Mercury asks us to take a closer look at any major decisions. Rethink your ideas and beliefs. Mercury encourages us to re-choose. Or… make the same choices as before, but now from a stronger, wiser, and clearer perspective. When we see that our old belief systems or path of choices don’t serve us anymore, we can rise and shift directions. As soon as Mercury changes direction on the 15th, the next few days form a powerful aspect with Mars. It will be a good time to act. Move forward with new ideas and choices. Full force.

This month, we are also blessed with the powerful eight days of Chanukah, which begins the night of December 25th. This holiday gives us another window of wonder—an opportunity to elevate and attract blessings, positive transformations, and miracles into all of our lives.

Коментарии 4