Astrology Forecast for the Month of Virgo 2021
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Astrology Forecast for the Month of Virgo 2021

Батшева Шустер
Август 5, 2021
Нравится 8 Коментарии Поделиться

The Process of Perfection

During the month of Virgo, we are naturally striving to be in a place of perfection. The kabbalists teach that this is because the Creator is closer to us during this month than ever. Imagine a huge lamp shining directly on the surface of your body. You would be able to see every spot clearly. The same is true for our spiritual paths—in the month of Virgo, we can see every spiritual spot clearly.

This is why Virgos can see the small details in everything, which includes the negative in every situation or every person. And because Mercury, the planet of communication, also rules Virgo (aside from Gemini), Virgos have a tendency to speak negatively of others. Virgo is not a negative sign; it is actually very positive! However, this energy impacts us all. The reason we have a tendency to see the “negative” in a stronger way this month is so we will be able to look within ourselves and to go through the process of Teshuva—the process of cleansing ourselves of the seeds that have caused any disconnection from the Lightforce of the Creator. Our goal is to reconnect with the source of our energy, the root of our souls.

The month of Virgo always begins before Rosh Hashanah in order to help us prepare and cleanse ourselves of judgment. So when we arrive at the Day of Judgment—the day our souls sit on a scale and the residue of our actions floats to the surface—we can start anew.

The chart of the birth of the moon affects the entire month. And this month affects our entire year. So, what can we learn?

We started the month with Venus moving into Virgo in opposition to Neptune in Pisces. This aspect brings the energy of confusion and tension between everything that is connected to love and money. Venus, the planet of love, in Virgo is very calculated and focused, so all matters of the heart become practical. Neptune in Pisces is universal, metaphysical, and dims reality. It puts some tension and confusion on practical Venus. This month, beware of false promises of love or money, be careful with investments, and don’t jump carelessly into relationships.

During the time of the New Moon, the moon and the sun both are still in Leo, which gives some fire and excitement to dry Virgo, and it helps us to be more cheerful through a month that is preparing us for the kabbalistic New Year. The sun will move to Virgo only on August 24th.

As the moon squares Uranus, whatever is connected to emotions and our subconscious seems to be unstable and to shake us. A square is an aspect that calls us to action, so let's direct this energy toward positivity and an open heart. This is a good time to volunteer or give service to others.

Mercury moves to Virgo on August 12th. Thus, our communication moves from the heart to the head, which is great for seeing the details in a business deal. Be sure to check things all the way through. But be sure not to judge or speak ill of people. Try to see the big picture and the fact that all of us are in the process of perfection. See the perfection in the process.

On August 24th, Mercury will oppose Neptune and the moon. This is a similar opposition to Venus, but it is focused on communication. Adding the moon to the equation does not make things easier. This aspect is about communication, the way you express yourself, or the way you listen. Be open-minded and listen to others. Still, don’t believe all that you hear; check the details. Bring the analytical Virgo energy and abstract Pisces energy together.

September 2ndis the day of creation. Mars in Virgo will be opposite Neptune in Pisces. This is the time to check the spiritual aspect of our goals and motivation. As the planets shift to Virgo, the universe prepares itself for the cosmic window in time of Rosh Hashanah. The energy will then become more analytical in order to tilt the scale to be more on the positive side. Let’s turn it toward self-introspection and away from blame.
