Astrology Forecast for the Month of Virgo 2024
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Astrology Forecast for the Month of Virgo 2024

Батшева Шустер
Август 30, 2024
Нравится 10 Коментарии Поделиться

It said that in the month of Virgo, the Lightforce of the Creator is closer to us than in any other month. Imagine you place your arm under the focus of a lamplight. You would be able to see every aspect of your arm in great detail. Similarly, this is what happens to us on a spiritual level this month: we receive the gift of seeing minute details. The reason for that is Virgo has the ability to bring us to a place of introspection, as this month contains the kabbalistic holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. During this time, we do teshuvah to erase any negativity we created in the past and residues of situations that still prevent us from achieving our own unique greatness.

We can recreate our story in the month of Virgo. The challenge here is that seeing so much detail can be overwhelming. Being overwhelmed can cause us to forget that the Creator is participating with us in any process we are going through. The Light is here to help us to grow and reveal more blessings in our lives.

Those with Virgo energy like to take care of people and things. They are very good at noticing the small details—some would say they are obsessed! They relax by working and always have suggestions for improvement (think: a perfectionist at heart). They are careful, conservative, quick-thinking, strive to be efficient, and are very direct and precise with their interactions. The downside is that they can also be too critical, gossip, and find fault in others.

Since we are all affected by the energy that is revealed in this month, our journey is to see the perfection in the imperfection. To see that every detail, every difficult situation, or obstacle is actually perfect for us, as if the Creator sent us the perfect gift for our unique process of growth. By focusing on learning and transformation, we can grow and become a greater vessel for the Light and the blessings we want to come our way.

Focusing on the Light doesn't mean trying to forget, ignore, or escape dealing with uncomfortable situations. Rather, it means we welcome challenges as if they are the biggest blessings in our lives. In doing so, we are already allowing the Light to come in. In judging, criticizing, or trying to diminish the situation, negativity only increases.

The journey of the month is also to see the Light in others. No one in the world is perfect. There was never any generation since the creation of the world that was ever perfect. There was never a time when nothing bad happened to anyone. That is because we are all in the process of growth, learning how to become one. As long as we are human, we will not be perfect. We all have this paradox within us: our soul is divine, yet in a state of potential, and it is up to us to fulfill that potential. Venus in Libra conjunct the South Node will teach us about beauty and to not compromise when it comes to matters of love. Never give up on who you are for someone else. Love is when both sides grow separately and together; it’s when couples become a unified force.

Mars, the planet of power and motivation, changes signs from Gemini to Cancer. We can feel territorial and protective of our families, especially those of you who have Mars in Cancer or Leo (or other planets in those signs). Get ready, because Mars will enter Leo in the beginning of November and will go retrograde in Leo to Cancer. We will experience a double effect of Mars this year, so be sure to take care of yourself. Remember that frustration is not healthy and limits our understanding. It is up to us to funnel energy into blessings and construction. The last day of Virgo is a day of transformation, Rosh Hashanah, when all of our actions come into scrutiny and determine the year to come.
