Astrology Forecast for November 24-30, 2024
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  • Включая выгоды:
  • Присоединяйтесь к интерактивным вебинарам каждую неделю
  • Смотреть полный курс по запросу
  • Воспользуйтесь скидками на мероприятия, услуги наставника и товары*
  • И более...
  • Присоединяйтесь сегодня
  • *Не во всех Центрах. Действуют ограничения.
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Astrology Forecast for November 24-30, 2024

Нравится 12 Коментарии 5 Поделиться

This coming week, we gear up for an expansion of Sagittarius energy on many levels.

The Sun just moved into the sign of Sagittarius last week on November 22nd, so we are witnessing the positive aspects of the Sun to Mars in Leo all week long. This powerful alignment supports taking action this week. In any opportunity you are given to step up, take ownership and action. Be a leader and manifest. The Sun and Mars, with Sagittarius and Leo, together form a strong, fiery, and energetic bond. This alignment can also support us in any area in our lives where we are hesitant to move forward. This alignment is a green light. Think: “go ahead” energy. Move forward with confidence and strength, and without delay.

This week we have a unique opportunity (some would say challenge). There is an abundance of planets in retrograde right now. Among them are Mercury (in Sagittarius) and Jupiter (in Gemini), which happens to be in opposition. This conflict of energies reminds us to double or triple-check our plans, think twice, and understand that if we rush through things, we might fall into poor judgment. It is time to slow down, question ourselves and where we are coming from. This is especially true if you are in a position to turn in any work or present something in front of others. Make sure to examine all of your options and go over the details carefully. This week, approaching things with an “I’ll just wing it” attitude might not be your best approach.

As a closure for this week (and for the month of Scorpio on the kabbalistic calendar), the Moon moves into the sign of Scorpio and gears up for its next phase in the month of Sagittarius. The Moon in Scorpio has a strong, potent energy of potentially high and intense emotions. At the same time, it is a highly intuitive moment for all of us. It's time to be mindful. Take care not to base all of your energy on those extreme emotions. Use your intuition, but also be aware that emotions sometimes represent illusion, and not everything we feel in every given moment (especially if it’s extremely negative) is something we need to follow or base our decisions on.

Let’s all take advantage of this powerful week and get ready for the coming month of Sagittarius, the month of miracles and wonder!

Коментарии 5