Astrology Forecast for October 20 - 26, 2024
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  • *Не во всех Центрах. Действуют ограничения.
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Astrology Forecast for October 20 - 26, 2024

Батшева Шустер
Октябрь 20, 2024
Нравится 19 Коментарии 10 Поделиться

We have just passed the Full Moon and are heading into the second part of the month of Libra. Our soul is still passing through a cosmic makeover of sorts, and this week concludes the entire process we went through during the last 22 days since the New Moon of Libra.

The Moon moves from Taurus to Gemini and starts its journey with an opposition to Venus. The axis of Gemini and Sagittarius is about learning, communicating, balancing our nervous system, traveling, and forming opinions and leadership. Gemini understands the Light that exists within each of us, and Sagittarius gathers information. So, it is a great time to plan travels or to learn something new, especially in relationships. Find joyful activities to do with your partner, listen to lectures together, or to travel somewhere fun.

Venus in Sagittarius can help bring us relief. Stretching of the hips and calm movements will help. Between Sunday and Monday, the Moon is conjunct Jupiter in Gemini. Jupiter represents an expansion of things, whether it’s emotional expansion, nervous system expansion, or anything that deals with the Moon in Gemini. The Moon does not sit so well in Gemini because it wants to be nourished, loved, and emotional, and Gemini is very much in the head. Try using your breath to find calm and ground yourself. And remember that each day of this week is an opportunity to receive blessings for the entire year, so think of what blessings you want to receive.

The Sun moves into Scorpio this week after forming a square to Pluto. Any stressful connection with Pluto informs us to be careful. Kabbalistically, we are still in the month of Libra—a month that impacts our entire year.

Now, we have two planets under the rulership of Mars, the Sun and Mercury. Mercury in Scorpio is intense, and of course, the Sun in Scorpio is very deep. Mars itself is in Cancer, a sign that represents the family, the tribe, and those close to us. Mars in Cancer can cause us to have fights and arguments, especially with the people who are close to us. This, combined with the Sun and Mercury, which are in Scorpio, can make us prone to quiet but dangerous battles. Our job here is to foster love and harmony. Learn to let go, don’t kill the messenger, and try to understand the message. Avoid arguing with your family about who did what and why they did it. Instead, remember that this time is an important seed for the rest of the year.

Thursday, the Moon moves to Leo and is going to square the Sun. There is a lot of fixed energy in the chart, which means preserving energy. But sometimes, there is a lack of flexibility. Avoid the impulse to control everything. Let the Light be in control. The Light doesn’t give up. The Light is divine guidance. Tap into this unconditional love.

Коментарии 10