“The honoring of our inner voice is the ultimate spiritual journey, because in doing so we honor the Divinity within that only Desires to Share, love, and care for one another. Our truest calling is always one that is based in servicing humanity in some way. The road to our soul and the Desire to Share are one and the same. This week we are given the energy needed to break down the barriers that hold us back and forge forward on this spiritual and internal path.” – Karen Berg, on the portion of Lech Lecha
As we enter into a new month—the month of Scorpio—we are also, in a way, entering into a new year. Libra provided us with many cosmic gifts and spiritual opportunities, as well as supported us through the High Holidays. Now in this new month, we’re experiencing a time of change. Our intentions for real transformation are being tested.
This week we are being challenged while at the same time being given the powerful opportunity of letting go.
Since there is a cluster of meaningful planets and cosmic points in the sign of Scorpio (Venus, the sun, Mercury, and the South Node), it is clearly a time to cleanse all the remnants of hurt, pain, resentment, anger, or feelings of revenge that we still carry in our hearts. If there are any negative experiences from our past relationships that haunt us and haven’t been released or resolved energetically, this is the week to do so.
On Thursday and Friday, Mars in Gemini challenges the moon in Pisces. This reminds us to use our sensitivity to others and not rush others around us. Do not rush the process. Have patience and be aware to always strive to be in the right place at the right time rather than manipulate situations to give us what we want right at the moment.
One last cosmic connection that we can all tap into this week is the fact that Jupiter (in retrograde) is taking a short break from being in Aries and has recently gone back into the sign of Pisces. Jupiter, our lucky star and our guiding conduit for expansion and growth, reminds us to listen to our intuition and make sure to place spirituality (sharing, kindness, and spiritual connections) as our first priority this week.