Astrology Forecast for September 15-21, 2024
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  • *Не во всех Центрах. Действуют ограничения.
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Astrology Forecast for September 15-21, 2024

Мириям Ашкенази
Сентябрь 15, 2024
Нравится 19 Коментарии 1 Поделиться

“The Torah tells us that the highest precept is simcha. Why? Because it means that we recognize the Creator's hand in our lives. To live with joy is to see the Light, even in our darkness. It is to know, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that even in the depths of our despair or the throes of a most difficult moment, the universe is somehow rearranging things so that I can be led to a better way of life. In short, joy is what happens when we have certainty that the Light is everywhere – in every circumstance, and every human being.”

– Karen Berg on the portion of Ki Tavo

So much is going on this week in the universe! Let’s just say, there are many lessons and opportunities to shift our reality and rise above all.

The week begins with a great support from the positive aspect between Venus and Jupiter, highlighting the opportunity to expand and connect to more love, joy, and happiness in our lives. It reminds us to appreciate and take advantage of the opportunities to express and share goodwill. It’s an external energy that pushes us towards outer expression, opening up to all the goodness we can recognize in our lives.

On Tuesday, there are two cosmic influences that we can all work with and benefit from.

The first one takes place between Tuesday and Thursday when Mercury in Virgo sets an opposition with Saturn. Whenever Saturn pulls any planet from the other direction, it creates a sort of a slowdown or delay in our lives. On these three days, we get an opportunity to slow our pace. Take a deeper and more spiritual approach in areas of your life where you don’t feel real progress. If we experience delays or feel the urge to end things or move on, the universe is preventing it from happening for a reason. Take the time to ask deeper questions and see the big picture. Appreciate that these slowdowns are only for your benefit. This is the time to connect to real joy and simcha (happiness) this week!

The second cosmic opportunity starts on Tuesday and concludes at the end of the week with the Sun forming a very supportive aspect with Uranus. There will be areas in our lives where we are encouraged to take a leap of faith and jump into the water. It’s time to open up to a different approach. Free your thoughts! Be revolutionary! Do something that you’ve wanted to do for a long time and were afraid to do, especially if the actions that you want to take are ones that will make a positive difference in the lives of others. This is the time to take advantage of the Uranus and Sun trine aspect. Go for it!

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