Astrology Forecast for September 18-24, 2022
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  • *Не во всех Центрах. Действуют ограничения.
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Astrology Forecast for September 18-24, 2022

Amir Michael Rehan
Сентябрь 18, 2022
Нравится 32 Коментарии 13 Поделиться

We have just entered the week of Creation!

According to Kabbalah, the first day of Creation, as shared in Genesis, occurred on the 25th of Elul (Virgo). This year the 25th of Elul falls on Wednesday, September 21st. Therefore, this week connects us to the seven days of Creation. Thursday is the second day, Friday the third day, and so on. These seven days are symbolic of the seven dimensions in the Tree of Life and the seven celestial bodies of the classical zodiac: the sun, the moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter. Perhaps, the most significant day of this period of time is the sixth day of Creation, when man was created, also known as Rosh Hashanah (the birth of mankind).

Make sure to check to find out if there are events at your local Kabbalah Centre or how to attend online. Participating in the prayers of Rosh Hashanah is a powerful tool to change your destiny, clear the slate, and connect to absolutely any blessing you desire.

The week begins with a conjunction between the moon and Mars in the sign of Gemini. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, which currently receives an opposition from fiery Jupiter in Aries. Therefore, our emotional energy and communication are under martial fiery energy this week. You might feel impatient or angry. Grudges are in the air. We must learn to be agents of peace, especially with people close to us.

As we approach the important day of Rosh Hashanah, funnel all this energy into desire, vision, goals, and passion. We do not want to waste this energy on reactivity, fights, and wars with those around us.

The planet of love, Venus, continues in its fallen position in Virgo making us over-critical so it can be hard to see the beauty in things. When Venus has fallen, we stop enjoying some things that were once a source of pleasure. Instead, we allow the energy to become heavy.

However - since everything in the cosmos is for a greater good, this scenario is the perfect one for us to activate the power of creativity within. In the week of Creation, we definitely need to believe in our power to create reality, to generate our happiness, and to dissipate darkness. If we are to celebrate the birthday of mankind on Rosh Hashanah, we must honor our greatest power: the ability to be like the Creator and create energy of positivity through our own creativity and effort.

READ: A Monthly Guide for Parents: Virgo 2022

Коментарии 13