Astrology Forecast for September 8-14, 2024
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  • *Не во всех Центрах. Действуют ограничения.
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Astrology Forecast for September 8-14, 2024

Мириям Ашкенази
Сентябрь 8, 2024
Нравится 17 Коментарии 3 Поделиться

“We, as human beings, often get caught up trying to control the external elements of our lives. We see people, places, or situations as the source of our problems. The kabbalists, however, have a totally different perspective: The areas that give us the most trouble and frustration are the areas where there is the greatest potential for spiritual transformation. With this knowledge, we can begin to see our greatest challenges are truly our greatest blessings.”

– Karen Berg on the portion of Ki Tetze

This week’s unique energy is here to assist us in breaking out of any limited perception of our reality. In the Month of Virgo, we can all be affected by the earthy, logical, and practical aspects of the sign. Even though it can assist us in planning, manifesting, and working harder toward our goals and endeavors, it can also limit us in assuming that what’s in front of us is the only thing that exists. This is especially true when it comes to challenges and what is perceived as negative.

At the beginning of the week, as Mercury enters into the sign of Virgo, it forms a challenging aspect with the Moon in Sagittarius. The Moon in Sagittarius is a force of freedom, light energy, light movement, and optimism. But Mercury in Virgo carries the weight of logic, judgment, and holding on to old patterns. Be mindful as the week begins that you don’t fall into this constricting and limiting energy.

All week long, we also notice the Sun in Virgo battling Jupiter (the lighter planet) in Gemini. That aspect can also add to the slow down, and can prompt us to overthink, over-calculate, lack flow, and resist the natural forces around us. Don’t ignore powerful signs pointing us towards making changes in our lives right now.

The Universe doesn’t only throw challenges and obstacles our way. In every given moment, we can witness challenging aspects and more inspiring cosmic alignments. It is our choice what forces we decide to connect with and activate.

For most of the week, Mercury in Virgo is aligned in a supportive alignment with Mars in Cancer. This alignment is here to awaken the power of empathy and compassion. If you learn how to listen to others and be present in any given moment with others around you, all your actions will mean so much more this week. Don’t just “do” in a robotic way; do with your heart’s intention, and try to engage deeper with others around you.

As the week ends on Shabbat Ki Tetze, we also witness Venus in Libra forming a powerful aspect with Jupiter in Gemini, another “full of love and harmony” aspect. We have an opportunity to grow and expand the positive energy, unity, acceptance, and connection to others around us.

It’s a time to value our challenges, see them as the greatest potential for spiritual transformation, and truly experience the Light that surrounds us in the good or the bad.

Коментарии 3