Being The Kindness You Want To See
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  • *Не во всех Центрах. Действуют ограничения.
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Being The Kindness You Want To See

Карен Берг
Сентябрь 26, 2019
Нравится 1 Коментарии Поделиться

This month, the universe grants us the opportunity to neutralize any negative energy that we may have put out into the cosmos throughout the year. From Rosh Hashanah to Simchat Torah, we can use the kabbalistic spiritual technology available to cancel judgments and decrees for ourselves and for the world. 

"Be the kindness we want to see in the world."

In this time of heightened energy of the High Holy Days, it is of utmost importance that instead of judging others, we focus on two things: identifying and changing what we need to change in ourselves and, equally important, extending human dignity wherever possible. Every encounter we experience is an opportunity to resist our reactive impulses and to generate positive energy.

Quite simply, our goal for this month is to be the kindness we want to see in the world.

There’s no question that the brutality and violence erupting all over the world at this time is pretty dark and almost incomprehensible. Still, now as always, there is polarity in the cosmos: Just as there is potential for tremendous growth and Light, there is also potential for great negativity. The brighter the Light available, the darker the darkness.

"The world needs this from us, and we need it as well."

For each and every one of us personally, this energy provides us with the challenges to change our behavior so that our free choice will never be compromised. We will have the opportunity to choose kindness, to choose love, to choose to find the silver lining. In any given moment, we can decide to be the pebble that falls into the water, creating ripples of Light that extend far beyond ourselves. Now, more than ever, the world needs this from us, and we need it as well.

Whether you are with us at our international events or at our local Kabbalah Centres, whether you are with us through or even if you are simply with us in spirit, remember that we are one in consciousness, and together we can create an energy that will encircle us all with a Light so great that it can heal this planet and everything on it.
