Have I Found My Soul Mate? 3 Signs of a Soul Mate Relationship
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Have I Found My Soul Mate? 3 Signs of a Soul Mate Relationship

Приведено из подкаста Моники и Майкла Берга «Духовно голодные». Слушай и подписывайся здесь.
Май 13, 2024
Нравится 21 Коментарии 3 Поделиться

The start of a new relationship is often exciting, brimming with promise and potential. Could this person be the soul mate we’ve been dreaming of? But it can also be a time of fear and uncertainty. How do we know if this person is the one we are meant to be with?

Soul mates are two people who are from the same branch of souls in the upper worlds. Anyone in your life, whether it's a friend, a lover, or a business partner can be a soul mate relationship. Having the same root of the soul brings with it a responsibility, regardless of the nature of the relationship. We have a spiritual obligation to assist the people we’re connected to. It’s important to recognize these special relationships, as they are incredible opportunities for us transform, grow, and find lasting fulfillment.

Here are 3 signs of a soul mate relationship:

1. The relationship challenges you – it’s not free of conflict.

People often picture soul mate relationships as being completely problem-free with absolutely no conflict. We tend to believe that once we find our soul mate, everything will be perfect all the time; they will always understand us, and we will never disagree. The truth is that soul mate relationships are meant to push us to grow in ways that can make us feel vulnerable or uncomfortable at times. Healthy conflict is a necessary part of that process.

A relationship without any conflict can make us complacent with where we are in life and cause us to stop pushing ourselves to manifest our soul’s potential. A soul mate relationship, on the other hand, will be challenging and takes work. Differences are what allow us to inspire each other. The important part of the work is to support each other, be vulnerable with one another, and help each other grow.

2. Your partner helps you see your potential.

We all have blind spots when it comes to seeing ourselves. When we look at who we are and where we want to be, our view is limited because it's within the framework of what we know. We often can't see the parts of ourselves that need the most change. This is why a soul mate is so important. They act as a mirror to us, helping bring in to focus the endless potential that we have.

We aren’t meant to do our spiritual work in a vacuum. We need people to help reveal the hidden potential that we all possess. We all have the potential to achieve far more than we can imagine. A soul mate helps you see that potential within you while also recognizing the areas that need to grow and transform the most to reach your next level.

3. You both are open to being changed by the other in powerful, positive ways.

One of the most important aspects of a soul mate relationship is being open to your partner changing you in ways that you could never change on your own. It isn’t about trying to make each other into what you want them to be for your own benefit, but about genuinely wanting the best for them and supporting them in their journey of growth.

A real soul mate relationship is when both people are open in such a way that they want to be changed by each other. It's safe to be vulnerable enough to be changed by each other. You realize that only that person is able to help you develop and mold yourself in the direction for which your soul came into this world.

To be able to help shape somebody and mold them into who they are destined to become takes a lot of work. It’s not always going to be easy, but the greatest joy and fulfillment will come from that. The ways our soul mates change us are the ways we need to change in order to manifest our purpose in this world.

Having a soul mate relationship is not just about finding love and joy; it’s about finding the person who helps you see your potential and pushes you to grow in the most profound ways. We can’t do all our spiritual work alone. Our soul mates are the ones that love us, see us completely, and push us to be the best that we can be.

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