How Can I Develop a Soulmate Relationship? 3 Tips for Building a True Connection
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How Can I Develop a Soulmate Relationship? 3 Tips for Building a True Connection

Приведено из подкаста Моники и Майкла Берга «Духовно голодные». Слушай и подписывайся здесь.
Сентябрь 12, 2022
Нравится 27 Коментарии 4 Поделиться

The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches that every soul is divided into two parts before coming down to the physical world. If the two halves so merit, they meet up again and become one unified soul. Through the process of marriage, the two halves are reunited into one soul. But finding our other half is only one part of our spiritual work.

Here are 3 tips for finding and building a soulmate relationship:

1. Dedicate yourself to internal spiritual growth, and you will receive divine assistance in finding your soulmate.

Finding your soulmate can feel like looking for a needle in a haystack. There are over 7 billion people in the world – how could we possibly find “the one”? It may seem counterintuitive, but when we focus on our own growth and transformation, it makes it easier to find the one we are meant to be with. The more effort you put into your development, the more you will be guided towards your soulmate.

This takes a lot of internal work before even getting into a relationship. Do the internal work of understanding yourself, growing, changing, and developing. Unless you are really in touch with yourself and your spiritual needs, you won’t be looking for the right soul to match. Focus on becoming a better version of you each day, and you will be led in the right direction.

2. The work doesn’t stop once you find each other. Dedicate time and energy to growing together.

People often think the difficult part of a soulmate relationship is finding the other person. The real challenge is making sure the relationship thrives and grows. It’s easier to find your soulmate than most people believe because there is divine assistance guiding you, but it is much more difficult to create a soulmate relationship than most people believe.

People think once they find their soulmate, it’s going to be absolute bliss. But you can be with your soulmate and be completely miserable. Soulmate relationships sometimes end, not because the partners weren’t right for each other, but because they did not do the work to develop the relationship. Don’t become complacent once you find your partner. Continue to put in the effort to strengthening your relationship. This means being open and vulnerable with each other, sharing with one another, and having the difficult conversations.

3. Know that a soulmate relationship isn’t always easy. It will challenge you to be a better version of yourself.

Some people think relationships should feel great all the time, and if there’s any kind of hardship, then the relationship has failed. Feeling loved and supported is an important benefit of a relationship, but it’s not the full story. We are meant to challenge each other and push each other to grow. This is fundamental to a soulmate relationship.

Being two halves of one soul does not mean you are perfect mirrors of each other. Being different is often what allows you to inspire and challenge each other. If you were the same person, you might be bored or too comfortable to manifest your soul’s potential.

If you want to build a soulmate relationship, expect that it will be challenging and that you will both change. It may be uncomfortable at times. Support each other to grow.

Most of us dream of finding our soulmate, but we focus so much on looking for them that we ignore the important spiritual work it takes to merit finding them and the effort it takes to build a thriving relationship. Soulmate relationships exist to help us grow into better versions of ourselves, but it’s up to us to put in the work.

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