How Can I Think More Positively? 5 Tips to Build a Healthy Mindset
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How Can I Think More Positively? 5 Tips to Build a Healthy Mindset

Приведено из подкаста Моники и Майкла Берга «Духовно голодные». Слушай и подписывайся здесь.
Ноябрь 11, 2024
Нравится 11 Коментарии Поделиться

Our thoughts are more powerful than we realize. They create our reality and influence nearly every aspect of our lives. Our thoughts become our beliefs, and our beliefs inform the choices we make.

We tend to focus so much on our physical health and making sure our bodies are taken care of, but we often neglect the health of our brains and our thoughts. Negative thoughts are sneaky and can work their way in without us realizing. Proactively engaging in positive thinking helps us become in tune with the universe, enhance our abilities, and reveal our souls’ potential.

Here are 5 tips to start building a positive mindset:

1. Trust that all things are possible with the help of the Creator.

The ego is tricky. It can make us believe we are all-powerful and all-knowing or fool us into thinking we are helpless, unworthy, and undeserving. The truth is there is very little we can achieve or manifest on our own, but we have an incredible force assisting and guiding us: the Light of the Creator. When we connect with our source, there is nothing we can’t do or manifest. Tapping into that creative force begins with our consciousness.

When faced with a challenge, know that you have the Light of the Creator behind you, helping you. You have the ability to exponentially grow your power and your strength by simply knowing that force is there and available for you to tap into. With the help of the Creator, you can do anything.

2. Know your soul is perfect, regardless of the mistakes you’ve made.

So many of our negative thoughts are about ourselves. We tend to be our own harshest critics. In fact, we are actually hardwired to have a negative bias. Most of us believe we are the last bad thing we did, especially when we make a big mistake. With this way of thinking, eventually, we start to believe we are innately bad. We have the ability, however, to change, rethink, and reshape how we view life.

Know that your essence is good and powerful. You are amazing and pure and perfect, no matter what you did today. Nothing can take away from the perfection of your soul. Even if you have made a bad mistake, you can restart your day at any time. Remind yourself that nothing you do ever diminishes your essence.

3. Realize your potential is far greater than you can imagine.

Every single one of us underestimates what we are capable of. No matter how much we have accomplished, the distance between who we are right now and who we have the ability to become is beyond comprehension. It’s an inspiring thought that can help us see the limitless potential within us.

Everything we go through in life is a process of either covering or uncovering the power of our soul. Our work in life is to do what we can to let that potential be revealed to the world. Rather than reiterating negative comments from other people, consistently remind yourself that your potential is beyond anything you have accomplished so far. Appreciate the power that is your soul.

4. Identify and rewrite the negative stories you tell yourself.

How many negative thoughts do you have throughout the day? Most of the time we don’t even notice them or think of them as a big deal, but these thoughts accumulate and become larger, dominant thoughts over time.

Negative beliefs often begin in childhood and continue to grow as we give them energy as adults. It could be that we’ve formed them out of survival or because they’ve been passed down from generation to generation. The more we feed these thoughts, the harder it becomes to separate them from reality. The sooner we can attack them at the root, the more possible it is to change the story, the belief, and, therefore, our lives.

Stop and ask yourself, “What are 5 thoughts I had today that were negative about myself and the world?” Think about where your negative beliefs come from. Find out where they started and do the intense, consistent work of uprooting those thoughts. You can rewrite the unproductive stories you tell yourself and replace them with positive ones based in truth.

5. Find opportunity in challenge. It can transform the situation into a positive one.

The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches there are two forces in the world: judgment and mercy. When we experience challenge, that is known as judgment, and it doesn’t feel great! But we have the ability to transform judgment into mercy through our consciousness.

When we see the silver lining or the opportunity in the challenge, that single point of mercy has the power to transform the entire situation into a positive one. It’s not only a positive mental attitude to have, it actually can change our circumstances completely. Whenever you experience challenge, endeavor to find a point of mercy and see how that transforms your life.

Thoughts are powerful, but we tend to underestimate how important they are in shaping our lives and our experience of them. Take the time each day to think about your thoughts. How many are negative? Where do they stem from? How can you rewrite them in a positive way? Know that your soul is perfect and limitless, and there is nothing you cannot achieve with the help of the Creator. Positive thinking not only makes you feel healthier, it allows your life to manifest in the most powerful, fulfilling way.
