Ignite the Light: A Celebratory Fundraising Gala on Rav Berg’s Birthday
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Ignite the Light: A Celebratory Fundraising Gala on Rav Berg’s Birthday

Каббала Центр
Июль 26, 2024
Нравится 2 Коментарии 2 Поделиться

This year on Rav Berg’s birthday, we invite our students and community members to join us for a celebratory fundraiser to honor the Rav’s legacy and continue the Rav and Karen’s vision for spreading Light, unity, and positive transformation through sharing the teachings of Kabbalah around the world.


You can participate in this event in three ways.

1. Attend the virtual gala hosted by Michael and Monica Berg.

On Sunday, August 25th from 7pm - 9pm ET | 4pm – 6pm PT, you can join Michael and Monica Berg and their guests in intimate conversation about the Rav and Karen’s life and legacy. By gathering with us on the Rav’s birthday, you lend your energy in affinity with their mission to inspire spiritual growth and blessings for the world. Register here to join.

2. Donate to the work that transforms lives.

By making Kabbalah available to anyone, anywhere for the first time in history, the Rav and Karen introduced the world to a wisdom that expands individual and collective consciousness. The Kabbalah Centre provides a place to forge lasting friendships and give back so we can receive even more. Support the expansion of this effort with a donation.

3. Participate in the silent auction and sweepstakes.

In the spirit of this celebration, you can bid on unique offerings in the virtual silent auction or purchase ticket entries in the event sweepstakes. You can purchase your sweepstakes tickets or bid in the silent auction between August 18th and August 25th. All proceeds support the Ignite the Light event. Limited to US and CAN residents. Links will be available here.

All info about the event and the efforts that your support fuels can be found at giving.kabbalah.com/ignite-the-light

Who is Rav Berg?

Rav and Karen Berg built The Kabbalah Centre to be a spiritual home for anyone seeking to better their life, and the Centre remains committed to this vision. By enabling Kabbalah to be accessed by the masses, the Rav opened the world to the wisdom of its teachings, thus creating a diverse and supportive global community filled with lasting friendships, inspiring our individual expanded consciousness focused on the act of sharing—so we can all receive more from our spiritual home. Although the Rav may no longer be physically with us, his contribution to the world continues to be a source of inspiration.

Коментарии 2