It's Never Too Late to Change
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  • *Не во всех Центрах. Действуют ограничения.
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It's Never Too Late to Change

Карен Берг
Октябрь 22, 2023
Нравится 25 Коментарии 15 Поделиться

This article on the portion of the week was previousy published in 2017.

Have you ever thought to yourself that it's too late to change? Maybe you are well into the second half of your life, and a new career, relationship, or opportunity seems overwhelming or pointless. Or maybe you resist change because you fear the unknown. Like the old phrase goes, “Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.” Perhaps you are just comfortable where you are at and you've worked hard to get there; you've established certain routines, ways of doing things and habits, so that you are at a point where your life kind of runs itself. The problem with these fixed positions is that they are usually anchored in doubt, fear, or our comfort zone – and as such, they inhibit our soul, which only wants to grow closer to its Source, and shine brighter through you into this world.

“With the Light of the Creator nothing is impossible…”

This week, there is an energy permeating the cosmos which can assist us in becoming more open to reaching our next level. By “next level,” I mean an elevated way of living spiritually, though it could also directly correlate with taking on more responsibility at work, or making a commitment to a relationship, or prioritizing your own health and wellbeing. 

As human beings, we are creatures of comfort and habit. We get used to things the way they are. We get used to the way people respond to us. Heck, some of us even get used to abuse or others treating us poorly! Regardless of what your “used to” is, this week's energy provides a powerful push to break free and get closer to the fulfillment of your individual purpose and destiny.

The portion we read this week is Lech Lecha, and in it Avraham is told to go out of the house of his father and into the unknown. He is also brought to a higher level of consciousness through his circumcision. He and his wife, Sarai, gain new names, Avraham and Sarah, as well as the ability to bear children (despite the fact that they are way past childbearing years and their astrological charts depicted otherwise). At 100 years old (which also happens to be the numerical value of Lech Lecha), Avraham becomes a father against all odds, and the leader of a great nation at that!

“Everything we are meant to become lies outside our comfort zone.”

The message is clear: With the Light of the Creator nothing is impossible, and everything we are meant to become lies outside our comfort zone. We may think we are past our prime, or that everything is good as is, but the Creator is always bringing us towards a greater destiny. The question is, are we willing to go "out of our father's house" (whatever that looks like in our case), are we open to trusting the road when it opens, and are we willing to take the ball and run with it when it comes our way?

If the answer is yes, then this week’s energy can move us toward that end.

Wishing you all the success and endless blessings this week can bring.

Коментарии 15