Listening to the Messages
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Listening to the Messages

Карен Берг
Февраль 5, 2023
Нравится 39 Коментарии 4 Поделиться

This article on the portion of the week was originally published in 2017.

"The universe sends beautiful messages our way – from people, from angels, even from the Creator Himself."

Every day the universe sends beautiful messages our way – from people, from angels, even from the Creator Himself. The ability to listen to them is more a matter of spirit than of anatomy.

To listen is a wonderful capacity that can bring so many blessings into our lives and Light to the world. This week’s portion Yitro, which reveals the Ten Commandments, provides us with lessons about listening, as well as the energy to help us hear and heed.

According to the kabbalists, the Ten Commandments—or as literally translated, the Ten Utterances—were not rules that God gave the people as a way of conducting a good life. Instead, they represent the totality of the spiritual energy that transcends the limitations of the physical world. Yes, in fact the revelation of the Ten Utterances brought about complete healing, restoration and the removal of death for all humanity at that time.

Who was this man Yitro and why is he the namesake and conduit for such powerful portion?

Yitro was a Midyanite chieftan, an advisor to Pharaoh, the father-in-law of Moses, and one of the greatest priests of darkness – a master of all the various forms of magic. There was not a star in the sky whose movement he couldn’t calculate.

Yet, when he heard about the heavenly acts that were performed on behalf of the nation of Israel, by the Creator, he abandoned his vast knowledge and began his search for the Light. Moses hesitated to speak to Yitro at first, but the Creator instructed Moses, “Speak to Yitro of my ways… for he sincerely wants to listen.”

"With a readiness to receive the messages and an openness to listen, the Creator will always find a way to tell us exactly that which we need to hear."

And with this God teaches us the secret to truly listening. When we can put aside what we staunchly believe is right and make room for the possibility that something else is truth, we expand our capacity to be a conduit for great Light.

Conversely, in this portion we see that the Israelites had trouble listening and letting go of what they were and from where they came. Unlike Yitro, they did not want to listen to God through Moses. They asked to hear God’s voice directly, but when God appeared before them, they were unprepared. At first the nation was sleeping, and when they did wake, the revelation was so powerful and the sound of God’s words was so great that it was more than they could bear. When we hear things before we are ready, even if it is good for us we can be harmed by it.

Yitro merited having the Ten Utterances in his portion because of his willingness to let go. Hearing is a gift given by the Creator to those who are ready and willing to listen.

This week, let us strive to listen with our souls. May we be willing to lend our ears not only to the words a friend may share, but to those sentiments which lay hidden in the heart. Be aware of energy, of the angels that surround you, and make room to hear their soft whispers of guidance. Be open to critique and criticism even if it seems unwarranted, and like Yitro seek to find the truth in the words the universe is sending.

With a readiness to receive the messages and an openness to listen, the Creator will always find a way to tell us exactly that which we need to hear.

Коментарии 4