Moving Towards the Light
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Moving Towards the Light

Карен Берг
Май 29, 2022
Нравится 25 Коментарии 6 Поделиться

This article on the portion of the week was originally published in 2019.

Everything seems to be attracted to the Light. Ships for centuries used the starlight and moonlight to be their guide and compass. All creatures, great and small, rise by the sun each day. The sun and its light are one of life’s necessities. The light provides vital nutrients and energy. Without it, human life, plant life, and all life, could not exist. We are bound and interconnected to physical light, as well as spiritual Light. We cannot live long without sunlight, food, or water, but we cannot live for even a second without the energy and Light of the Creator. Spiritual Light sustains us to our very core. This week, we move towards the spiritual Light that not only sustains us, but fuels us, heals us, and even blesses us. The new moon of Gemini enters this week, and we zoom forward towards the Creator, amplifying our spiritual journey and providing blessings and our essential Light. We finish with the final week of the Omer, a period of spiritual elevation, and we move towards the greatest and brightest Light of the entire year. 

"We are all searching for something."

Our portion for the next stage in our journey is Naso. Naso is unique as it is also read during the holiday of Chanukah. This is an indication already that this week we are able to connect to an extraordinary reservoir of spiritual Light. The portion of Naso is attached also to the holiday of Shavuot, as it is read always before or after it. This year, we read Naso on the eve of Shavuot. Shavuot is the day on which the Torah was given to the world. The Torah, when given, revealed so much of the Creator’s Light and essence that it was as if the sun itself came to the earth. All forms of darkness were removed, including the removal of any sickness and even the removal of death itself. Shavuot and our portion of Naso both contain this totality of Light, and with it the power of immortality.

Another thing that is unique about this year is that we have the new moon of Gemini this week, creating a spiritual trifecta. The new moon of Gemini offers the influence of our new ruling planet Mercury, which is, by no coincidence, the closest planet to the sun. This is an incredibly powerful week ahead when we have the opening to ask the Creator for the Light to help us remove our obstacles, help solve our challenges, purify us, and radiate us with blessings. Naso revisits the Tabernacle’s inauguration in which all the tribal chieftains gave individual sacrifices and gifts. It is via these sacrifices and gifts that we are able to remove the self-imposed blockages that have shut out our Light prior. With the gift of Naso, we now generate, untethered and unrestricted, the entire life force of the Creator, bringing us another step towards the removal of pain, suffering, and even death itself. If there is ever a time of year that the Light is turned on, it is this week.

"We move towards the Light that sustains us, fuels us, heals us, and blesses us."

We are all searching for something. We search for comfort and pleasure. We search for answers. Some search for the Creator. While others devote their lives to searching for their purpose in this world. We are all on a search for more. Kabbalah, with its tools of Light, offers to us that more that we hunger. Every being on earth craves the Light, physically and spiritually, even if we may not realize it. The Light is what makes us feel at peace, content, fearless, and joyful. It is through our acts of love, sharing, and giving that we are able to draw more of this essential Light into our lives along with the blessings that accompany it. Our life’s journey is to take the necessary actions to turn on the Light. This Light is the very secret behind our success and fulfillment. This week, the cosmos turns the Light on for us. We are given the Light of the new moon of Gemini, the portion of Naso, Shavuot, and even Chanukah. A powerhouse week of positive energy that assists us in leaving behind the hardships of the Omer and welcomes a new time period where the Light dominates. This week we read not only the inauguration of the Tabernacle, which drew down vast amounts of spiritual Light to our world, but the inauguration of a four-month period of positive energy. The Light is coming and we zoom towards this beneficial and merciful energy of love.

This week in your meditation, go to the beautiful rising sun. If you are able to see a sunrise, it is not something you will easily forget. The moment of sunrise is perhaps the most positive moment of the entire day. Take yourself to the early morning and see the dark horizon slowly illuminate. Little by little, the sunlight increases. You can feel the warmth begin to build upon your face. The birds sing. The animals emerge from their dwellings, but most importantly, you feel something stir within you. The Light is coming and with it comes a new day, new hope, new opportunities, and new blessings. You are inspired to be like the Light and your heart opens as wide as the sky to love. It inspires you, renews you, and restores you. It is the Light of the Creator that removes the darkness in our lives. The time has come to welcome this positive force into our lives and into the world. The time has come to move toward the Light. 

Коментарии 6