Opening the Door to Our Hearts
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Opening the Door to Our Hearts

Карен Берг
Ноябрь 10, 2024
Нравится 43 Коментарии 16 Поделиться

This article on the portion of the week was originally published in 2018.

In today’s world, it has become easy to allow our hearts to close down, and to build walls between ourselves and others. In a world where we may fear an uncertain future, we can find ourselves operating in survival mode, a mode in which we feel we must think only of ourselves and our own preservation. It has been proven in studies that when people feel safe and loved, they naturally give more and help others as opposed to when they do not. It is only when we begin to build fears and anxieties that we begin to build walls shutting people out and shutting off the Light we have inside. The power each of us has to help each other is greatly underestimated. We are children of the Creator, and thus we are made up of His essence. We are Divinity and should be reminded of this potential each day. In an often cold world, the power we each have to be a beacon of hope and love for one another is unmatchable. Whether it is a smile and a kind word to someone new at the office who may be feeling uneasy at his first day, or taking the moment to ask the person who serves us our coffee each morning, “How are you?,” these simple acts of loving-kindness not only bring more love to the world, but are tremendous forces of positivity that have the capacity to remove sadness, negativity, and hopelessness from the hearts of so many. We can never underestimate that the right word or gesture of kindness at the right time can even save a life. We may have to act like steel at times, but inside we are fragile flowers that can only survive with love. This week, our hearts are awakened from a slumber. Loving-kindness emerges. A gentle, sweet mercy emanates in the world this week, and as it does, it inspires us to the power we have to change another’s life, and in the process, our own. Our hearts are asked to be opened to others this week, letting people in and creating a little more of the love that the world so desperately needs. It is when we let others in that we are then able to let our inner Creator out.

"Our hearts are awakened from a slumber."

Our portion and guide this week is the portion of Vayera. Vayera means “the Creator appeared.” We continue to follow the story of Abraham that tells of his spiritual enlightenment and communication with the Creator. Three guests arrive at his home and he welcomes them with an open heart, ready to serve them.  In fact, he had been waiting for guests to come just so he could attend to their needs and give to them. So, the Creator sent him angels, disguised as humans. He and his wife Sarah feed and care for the guests as if they were their own family. This is one of many instances which illustrate for us Abraham and Sarah’s kind and loving hearts. The guests, who were actually angels, blessed Abraham and Sarah and predicted that in one year’s time Sarah will give birth to a son. A miracle child, as they had wanted so desperately to conceive, but could not. Because of Abraham and Sarah’s kindness and willingness to share, they were able to create an opening to allow the miracle of conception to occur. Sure enough, in one year’s time, Sarah, at the age of 90, gave birth to Isaac. Abraham and Sarah both had become the embodiment of care and human dignity, and because of this became the parents of all future generations of spiritual people. They spent their lives serving humanity and consequently reversed negative karmic decrees and drew great Light into the world. Abraham is our channel to this day for mercy and sharing acts. He paved a path for us all to care for one another. Their son Isaac would become the channel for the removing of all sadness and the creating of everlasting joy of the time known as Messiah.

We are all the decedents of Abraham, and we too have the power to change our lives if we are only willing to open the door of our hearts to giving and serving others. That’s how we activate that force of Divine Love within us and simultaneously unleash all its Light into our lives. Sometimes we might get stuck in a cycle that does not serve us. We may feel that in order to improve our lives we must focus more on ourselves. Ironically, the way to improve our lives is to focus on how we can serve others. The paradox of life is that to receive more, we must be willing to give more. A hand can only receive when it is open to give. We all need each other’s help if we are going to make this world a better place. To raise the world and our own personal lives to a more positive space, we can be willing to extend our hearts to another, especially during times when we may feel like doing anything but give. It is exactly during those moments that the love we give boomerangs back to us, creating unimaginable blessing and miracles, just as it did for Abraham and Sarah. 

"We will then be able to remove pain and suffering in the world."

This week in your meditation, visualize the entire earth floating in space. We can see it shining as it reflects all the light of the sun. It glows with beauty in the darkness. It is the home of our fellow brothers and sisters. Now begin to imagine all the people on earth who may be in pain, who may be lonely, or afraid. Let their pain humble you and awaken in you compassion. Be willing to feel the pain of others. Feel the lack in the world, but understand you can make the difference the world needs! Your love and kindness have the power to help one person at a time in their lowest moments of life. Now take the Earth and shrink it down to a small size. Imagine the whole earth slowly shrinking and entering your heart. Your heart expands, and all of its walls fall down, allowing your global family to enter. Feel the needs and pains of others, all the while knowing that it is just the simple smile and sharing with a stranger that can have the power to solve the problems of this world, and even save a life. It is when we ourselves make the changes within to raise our own consciousness to a state of love that we will then be able to remove pain and suffering in the world, as well as connect to all the gifts and miracles life can offer.  

Коментарии 16