Presenting The Gift of Being Different
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Presenting The Gift of Being Different

Моника Берг
Октябрь 17, 2022
Нравится 5 Коментарии Поделиться

It’s HERE!

This week marks the launch of our long-awaited book, The Gift of Being Different! Abigail and I are so excited for her writing debut (because this is a proud mama moment for sure!). Yet there's so much more to it all than meets the page. Allow me to explain.

What's most on my mind during this special time is one of the core Kabbalistic truths: and that is that our thoughts are profoundly powerful. What we believe about ourselves, where we place our attentions and intentions–that's where our life will lead us. In other words, the launching of this book is both a beginning AND the culmination of years of struggles and victories. The book may look new to the eye, but the thought-seed for it was planted many years ago: long before Abigail was diagnosed with dyslexia, and long before she came to realize that she wanted to use her voice to help others who were struggling with learning differences.

For her, decoding words seemed impossibly daunting from the start. There were days when, in second grade, Abigail was so deeply frustrated and confused, we were sure she’d give up entirely. It didn't help that most of her classmates seemed to grasp reading with comparative ease. At the same time, she was unusually observant and wise from the time she could speak. Believe me, Abigail always had a voice and wasn’t afraid to use it! Her wit was sharp, and her ability to synthesize difficult ideas and express them astutely often left us speechless (which is saying a lot for me, right?). But when one day, she used that voice to ask me, "Mommy, am I stupid?" I knew that all the private tutoring wasn't cutting it. We needed answers.

...Continue reading on my weekly blog at
