Seeing the Light
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Seeing the Light

Карен Берг
Август 25, 2024
Нравится 46 Коментарии 13 Поделиться

This article was originally published in 2018. 

Meditation might be a tool used by ancient sages, but its practice has become more prevalent in the modern world than ever before. More so than ever in the last century, people have been searching for ways to connect to their spirit. One’s spiritual journey has become almost mainstream. We, as a collective whole, are on a quest to discover our truest inner selves, and to find ways of keeping the distractions of the outside world at bay. Inside each of us lies the wonderment and bounty of Divine Light. To not look for it, to not know it with every fiber of our being, is to never experience the beauty of its existence. This week, we receive a great gift from the universe. Our inner Light shines bright, allowing us to see it – and by proxy, to see ourselves for the Light-filled beings we truly are. We are called upon now to discover the Universe within, so our inner voice may be heard above the noise. The time has come for us to step away from the distractions of the physical world, and to go within to see more than ever. As long as there is breath in our lungs, the Light is always shining within us. It is there to nurture and to guide us. This clarity and vision of our Light can be our gift this week. The Universe bestows upon us now the ability to bear witness to our own Holiness. The Light of the Creator is inside, waiting patiently for us to just see it.

"The Light is always shining within us."

Our portion this week is special to my heart and to many students around the world. This week our portion is Re’eh, and it was the birth portion of the Rav. Re’eh means: “to see.” In this final week of Leo, the sun gives us clarity that only it can provide. Incidentally, Re’eh is the only portion title that matches one of the 72 Names of God. Re’eh is the 69th name and it serves as a sort of spiritual compass, giving us the power to find our way when we are lost. So too does this portion. Its reading, along with the energy permeating the cosmos this week, helps us to become more aware of the wonderment and power of the Light that is inside. In fact, this portion has 126 verses, which is the numerical value of the word “wonderment.”

In Re’eh, Moses encourages the Israelites to follow the path of the Creator and their Inner Light. In this way, they will be able to experience a blessed life. Moses describes the blessings that come when we walk with the Creator and embody His attributes of kindness, mercy, and sharing with others. Moses cautions them to avoid acting in ways of intolerance and selfishness as these qualities will generate difficulties. Essentially, Moses is teaching the Israelites to see that the world is our mirror, and that as such, what we put out will only come back to us. He beseeches them to see that if they want peace and blessings in their own lives, they need only give the same to others. For what we give, is always that which we shall receive. Moses promises us all that if we are open to seeing, activating, and growing the goodness inside of us, our present and future will be full of joy and blessings. 

"Love is all there is, all that matters, and all that is needed to create a truly blessed life."

The power of Re’eh nudges us to see the law of Cause and Effect and how it plays out in our lives. The system is there operating whether we recognize it or not. Inside of us all lies the power of love, that once ignited, will improve our lives and the world as a whole. So often we can become lost in life, held down by our own desires, addictions, and fears. We can lose footing on our spiritual path and not see the benefits in being kind to each other. Perhaps for many years, ruthlessness, greed, and treating others unfairly has worked. But the time comes when that energy comes back to us and we begin to see a change is needed. We come to see that it is in our own best interests to treat others with love, human dignity, and the way we wished to be treated. I have always found it fascinating that there is no matching Zohar portion for this week. It is as if we are being encouraged by the Creator to search, and to find the answers within. For within, we find the most important treasures and answers, if only we are open to seeing that they are there.

In your meditations this week, take the journey from the world without to the world within. Find a time and space where you can be alone and undisturbed. Sit down, close your eyes, and take a deep breath. As you breathe, hear the sound of your breath and your beating heart. Inside there is the Energy of the Creator. You are from His essence. Become aware of your power and your great capacity to love. There is no end to your capabilities and potential. There is no limit to the love that can emanate from your being. You can see the power you possess to create the life of your dreams and any future you wish. You see the Light that shines within and its power to help others, and ultimately, yourself in the process. You can at last see that Love is all there is, all that matters, and all that is needed to create a truly blessed life. 

Коментарии 13