Shavuot Study Guide
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Shavuot Study Guide

Каббала Центр
Июнь 1, 2022
Нравится 56 Коментарии 6 Поделиться

“The great spiritual truth is that we are One with the Creator. At Shavuot, we have the opportunity to understand it with our minds, connect with it in our hearts, and act on it with every aspect of our being.” ~ Rav Berg

Traditionally, Shavuot commemorates an event that took place over 3,400 years ago. It was on this day that Moses descended from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments and the Torah, powerful tools that allow us to remove negativity and foster abundance in our lives. Through the study of Kabbalah, however, we learn that nothing in the physical world can be the cause. The physical is an effect that must be preceded by the spiritual. What happened on Shavuot was the result of an activity occurring in the spiritual world. 

Energetically speaking, the revelation of the Ten Commandments was in fact an illumination of ten levels of Light, health, love, continuity and security. And since there is no lack in the spiritual realm, energy does not disappear; what happened once on Mount Sinai happens again every year on the sixth day of Sivan. On the night of Shavuot, the totality of the Light of the Creator is available to each of us. To connect we gather as a spiritual community to stay awake throughout the night, reading a summary of the Torah and studying from The Zohar. These are the channels through which we ourselves can now become the revelation. For as the Rav says, “The great spiritual truth is that we are One with the Creator. At Shavuot, we have the opportunity to understand it with our minds, connect with it in our hearts, and act on it with every aspect of our being.”

Below are some staff picked articles and lectures we hope will inspire you and help you prepare for this powerful holiday.


Video Lessons

Video Courses

Recommended Zohar Scanning

  • Prologue Vol. 1 verses 125-150
  • Yitro Vol. 10 verses 235 - 575 (Hebrew edition: Vol 8 pages 455-542)
  • Emor Vol. 16 verses 140 - 186 (Hebrew edition: Vol. 12 pages 593-611)
  • Ruth Vol. 19 (Only in Hebrew Edition) Chapter/Part 2

Recommended Kitvei haAri (Writings of the Ari) Scanning

  • Vol. 11 pages 199-206
  • Vol. 17 pages 539-544
  • Vol. 18 pages 346-349

Additional Books

CLICK HERE to explore our complete Shavout collection.

Коментарии 6