Take a Deep Breath
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Take a Deep Breath

Карен Берг
Июнь 5, 2024
Нравится 17 Коментарии 3 Поделиться

This article was previously published in 2020.

Well. That’s it. We are almost there. As the Omer draws to a close, we will reach the pinnacle of the complete revelation of the Creator’s Light as occurred on Mt. Sinai at Shavuot, the sixth day of this month. After 49 days of deep spiritual work and refinement, we can take a deep breath of the light air of Gemini.

Not coincidentally, the body parts associated with Gemini are the lungs and the nervous system. The Zohar says that the lungs have the power to balance the fire of the heart, but to function properly, they need air and the freedom to expand. Practicing breathing exercises and remaining conscious of our breath moment to moment can help keep us centered in the flow of this month, especially when we may, like the Gemini, find ourselves being pulled in many different directions.

The Hebrew word for Gemini is teumim, which means “twins.” This makes sense because if you have ever known a Gemini, you know that they can be one person today and another tomorrow. They have the ability to flip their position and change their mind on a dime. The planet that rules Gemini is Mercury, which also carries this dualistic energy in that it sees sunrise twice in a day.

The Gemini personality can be quite restless, always looking for the next thing…and the next thing…and the next thing. It is difficult—and extremely rare—for a Gemini to really dig their heels into one spot and stay there. Unlike those born under last month’s sign of Taurus, Geminis refuse to get stuck doing one thing; in fact, it is much more likely that they will move too quickly to ever let themselves really explore anything in full. This is why one of the spiritual goals for this month is to concentrate on focusing our energies, tying up loose ends, and seeing projects through to completion.

As an air sign, Gemini is ruled by the intellect, and under the influence of Mercury, this is a wonderful month for communication. With Neptune in Pisces, however, we need to remember to be sensitive and patient in our dealings with others, never forgetting that human dignity can be the most powerful medicine for any dispute or difficult situation.

Overall, this is a great time to connect with our inner Light and draw it out to share with the world.

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