When it seems like your whole world is crumbling around you, it’s so hard to remember the good things in life, even though they are always there. My mother, Karen Berg, gives great examples of how we take so much for granted in our lives. Sometimes if we’re lucky, we will take time out to appreciate the beauty in something as simple as a flower, but how many of us actually appreciate that we have eyes with which to see the flower?
No matter what it happening in your life, there is always a reason to be thankful.
This is an incredibly powerful month when the universe will turn on its axis to start working in our favor, but only on the condition that we focus on the abundance in our lives instead of the lack.
A great kabbalist sage once said, “Goodness is bestowed only unto the place where goodness dwells.” If we want more abundance, we need to be appreciative of all that we have. Whatever our state of consciousness is, that’s what the universe will reflect back to us.
As you go through your day, count your blessings big and small. It’s what will attract even more of them.
The key to getting more is appreciating all that you have.