The Road of the Soul
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The Road of the Soul

Карен Берг
Ноябрь 3, 2024
Нравится 59 Коментарии 14 Поделиться

This article was originally published in 2018.

In life there is sometimes the pressure to conform to the norms of society. In school, we may have wanted to be like everyone else in the hopes of simple survival in the often difficult world of adolescence. But even as adults, the outside pressures dictate to us our careers, who to marry, what to believe, and even who and how to pray. These pressures of society are very real and powerful. For some, these influences become almost a comfort in that they provide a course and preset way of living. But for others, conforming to the pressures of society can cause great anguish. For those whose spirits demand something outside of the norm, abiding to the voice of society can be soul crushing. The truth is that each one of us is unique, rare, and special.

We need not follow the path of anyone else for we each have our own road in life to take. We come to this world with our unique and individualized purpose and mission. It is only when we awaken and honor this unique path that our lives flourish with true meaning. It is because of those brave souls who dare to take a road less traveled that we have inventions, great works of art, literature, and music. But traveling against the norms of society is not just limited to the arts. Whenever someone follows their true heart’s calling, magic occurs. Making the choice between listening to the internal world or the external world is the human experience. This week, however, the volume of our inner voice is raised. The cosmos sends to us a call from the depth of our souls to follow our inner voice and take action towards our truest calling. We gain the courage to listen to this voice, no matter where it is asking us to go. We are beckoned to travel, to leave behind the past, and to forge forward on the road less traveled – the road of our soul. 

"The volume of our inner voice is raised."

Our assistance this week is the portion known as Lech Lecha, which means “go out.” Our portion begins with a man named Abram speaking with the Creator. The Creator says to Abram, “Leave your country, leave your people, leave your father’s household…” The Creator is the world’s first life coach. He encourages Abram to break free from his family’s expectations and the societal norms, and to follow his own inner calling. Abram and his wife, Sarai, set out together in pursuit of their dreams. They were prompted to engage in a spiritual journey in order to foster the Light of the Creator within. This internal spark of Light that we all contain is the source of our kindness, our love, our sharing, our talents, our brilliance, our dreams, and our truest vocation. Abram and Sarai are asked to pursue and reveal their authentic selves, and by default ignited their spark of the Creator within. In doing so, the Creator blesses them with prosperity and as the parents of many future great generations. Abram and Sarai’s spiritual journey manifested in a physical change on the outside. The Creator renamed them as “Abraham and Sarah”, a new identity that represented their internal change and growth. The story of Lech Lecha is actually the world’s first course on spirituality. It is our master class in gaining the strength and courage to take the path of discovering our inner potential and life’s purpose. Abraham and Sarah plowed the way through the road less traveled, making it far easier for us to do the very same today in our lives.

Like a candle with a dark shade over it, our Light and our uniqueness can be almost snuffed out. It is said that when we reach the gates of Heaven, we will not be asked why we did not achieve great things like others may have, but we will only be asked whether or not we achieved the great things that we were destined to achieve. Each one of us is a rare diamond with our own purpose on earth that if we do not develop and nurture causes our Light to slowly dim. No one will be more disappointed than we if we do not listen to the whispers and desires of our hearts. The honoring of our inner voice is the ultimate spiritual journey, because in doing so we honor the Divinity within that only Desires to Share, love, and care for one another. Our truest calling is always one that is based in servicing humanity in some way. The road to our soul and the Desire to Share are one and the same. This week we are given the energy needed to break down the barriers that hold us back and forge forward on this spiritual and internal path.

"Know the Creator walks with you and will assist you on this path."

In your meditations this week, take yourself to a quiet room, sit down, and close your eyes. Begin to observe your breath. Breathing slowly, visualizing the rise and fall of your chest and the belly moving in and out. Turn the attention within. Is there a dream you once had that you have perhaps forgotten? Do you feel content and fulfilled? Begin to visualize a small dirt road in the middle of a field. In the distance you can see the road leads to a bright light. This light calls you. Begin to walk down this road. With each step towards this light, you feel the presence of the Creator increase. You can hear the voice of your soul growing louder. What does it say? Where does it tell you to go? Oftentimes, the road less traveled is a road we must take alone, but as you continue to walk, you know the Creator walks with you and will assist you on this path. For as we are willing to take one step towards the Creator, the Creator will take ten steps towards us. It is a road far from the roads of society, but it is a road of our soul. It is paved with the joy of achieving our life’s purpose, and there is no joy better than that. 

Коментарии 14