Words of Love
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Words of Love

Карен Берг
Апрель 11, 2021
Нравится 38 Коментарии 9 Поделиться

This article was previously published in 2018.

Words from the heart are not mere sentiments, but a force that can embolden us to surmount any challenge that may present itself.

When our children begin school for the first time, there is not much we can do once they leave our hands. They are placed in the hands of the teachers, while our own hands are far away from them. But, what we can do is send them into the world with the wisdom we teach and the love we give. We have the power to hold them, instead, with our words and thoughts. In the morning, we can look into the eyes of our children and say, “Today is going to be a great day for you. I can feel it. Remember, I love you and no matter what happens today, you can handle it. The Creator is with you, even while I am not.” These kind of words become powerful protective shields against fears, doubts, or the bullies of the world. Most importantly, they are words that heal. Where there is a broken spirit, words of encouragement rejuvenate and make us whole again. Broken hearts and weary minds are made anew, all from simple words of love. Words from the heart are like sparkling diamonds we can clutch when the night gets too dark, when the world grows too cold, or when we forget there are people in the world who love us. Such words of course should not just be for children, but for everyone. We, too, are like little children inside who still need the power of words to help us heal and build our lives. This week, the universe supports us in healing our minds, bodies, and spirits with the power of thoughts and the words that are created by them.

"Words from the heart are like sparkling diamonds."

Our portion for the week is, actually, two. The portions are Tazria and Metzora. These portions are read together and are designed to work in unison to bring about a healing of the spirit. The energy of Taurus, known as the month of healing, begins to radiate in the universe this week, conjoining with the healing powers of Tazria and Metzora. Tazria and Metzora extensively discuss various illnesses of the body and the methods of healing and cleansing them. These illnesses have a root cause in what we think, and ultimately, what we say. Our words have the power to build or destroy. As we learn here in this week’s portion, words when used to destroy can, God forbid, cause illnesses. However, like in nature, the cure is always found near the poison. This week, we are given the priceless gift of healing our wounds and experiencing complete restoration.

Sometimes all we need in life is a little encouragement from a friend to get us through tough times. You can pick someone up off the ground of despair with the strength of an encouraging word spoken from the heart.  Words do indeed have the power to lift us up. We all face difficulties. We all are afraid to face the world sometimes. We all get scared. How vital it is to have at that moment a loving friend, parent, or sibling whisper lovingly in our ears, “You can do this. I know you can. It is going to work out. You will be fine. And I’ll be there if you need me. I love you.” These words are not just niceties, but rather words from the Creator Himself, sending His love through people. Words of love and encouragement are not a luxury, but a vital medicine each and every one of us need to thrive in this world. If we are lucky, our hearts and souls are filled with words of love given to us by our parents. Or, we may have that one true friend who is there for us in the darkest moments of our lives. But if we are not so lucky, then it will be up to us to channel the love of the Creator to ourselves. We can do it. Healing of our souls and bodies with words of love is possible no matter who we are or where we find ourselves in life. We may discover that words of love are our most necessary and essential tool.

"Healing of our souls and bodies with words of love is possible no matter who we are or where we find ourselves in life."

This week in your meditations, see yourself walking through a lush and green forest. The warm grass under your feet is soft and full. Warm sunbeams filter their way through the tree limbs. The light and shadows dance over your face as you walk along a path. Follow the path as it leads to a beautiful shimmering lake. Have a seat by the lake and peer inside. See your reflection waving and stirring in the water. Now look deep into your own eyes. Tell yourself, “Today is going to be a great day. I can feel it. I will remember, the Creator loves me. No matter what may come my way, I can handle it. The Creator is with me, even if I may feel alone. I can achieve great things and, with the help of the Creator, I can surmount any challenge in my path. I am loved. I am here to give that love to others. Happiness and fulfillment are mine.”

If we can start each day with these kind words to ourselves and to our brothers and sisters, we, for sure, can create a world of peace, love, and the removal of all suffering and illness. I just don’t believe it – I know it.

Коментарии 9