04:30 PM
Интерактивный вебинар (Zoom)
For ages 15-18. Transitioning from adolescence to adulthood is no easy task – and supporting this transition is no easier! “It takes a village,” as the saying goes. At The Kabbalah Centre, we strive to provide teens with the tools and consciousness to navigate this essential stage in their development and grow into conscious, loving, independent, sharing young adults who are capable of pursuing their dreams. This foundational course introduces core kabbalistic principles that are essential to understanding the universal, spiritual laws governing our world. In a curriculum designed especially for teens ages 15-18, we will delve into topics such as challenges, pain, difficult emotions, reactivity, sharing, superpowers, and love – all discussed through the lens of the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah. Join us for an enlightening series that is both relatable and profound to teens curious on how to expand their understanding of themselves and the world around them.
Примечание: все указанные даты находятся в следующем часовом поясе: America/Los_Angeles.
Date(s): Среда, Ноябрь 06, 2024 – Среда, Февраль 05, 2025
Интерактивный вебинар (Zoom)
Организовано: Virtual Live Learning (USA & Canada)
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Sessions: 11
Цена: USD 150.00 предлагаемое пожертвование
Язык: Английский