A Book of Cleansing
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Introduction to the Tikunei HaZohar

A Book of Cleansing

Опубликовано: Апрель 21, 2020
Записано: Январь 28, 2020

Нравится 43 Коментарии 2 Поделиться

Основные моменты урока

•    Our individual correction helps the collective correction
•    The Tikunei HaZohar is the life of Rav Shimon inside the cave, and it decodes the word Beresheet, the first word of the Torah, into 70 interpretations
•    Reading the Tikunei HaZohar especially during the month of Elul or Virgo in preparation for Rosh Hashanah because it is a great tool for cleansing and purifying our Souls
•    The light of the Tikunei HaZohar cleanses and corrects the thickest klipot
•    It is helpful and important start reading the Tikunei HaZohar from the back end, to learn and become familiar with the concepts and fundamentals
•    The first 4 verses of the prologue talk about the upper worlds giving permission to Rav Shimon Bar Yochai to reveal the secrets of the Zohar

Описание урока

This first lesson teaches us that the Zohar is a powerful kabbalistic tool to expand our consciousness, and to help us cleanse all sorts of blockages. The outline of the Tikunei Zohar is decoding the first word of the Torah, which is Beresheet, the beginning. 

Об этом курсе

Rav Shimon bar Yochai, author of the Zohar, writes that the secrets of the Tikunei HaZohar will only be revealed in the last generation before the final redemption. For hundreds of years, kabbalistic masters have encouraged the study of the Tikunei HaZohar, as it has the power to correct the negativity that our souls came to this physical world to transform. The word tikunei means 'to correct’ in Aramaic. Join us for a powerful 3-lessons course as we delve into the wisdom of the Tikunei HaZohar, and learn how to apply its tremendous Light to our personal lives.

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