Ноябрь 19, 2013
Май 20, 2009
The portion of Bamidbar always falls before the holiday of Shavuot. This week Michael reveals tools that can not only help us make the greatest connection possible on Shavuot, but also to assist us as we continue on our spiritual path. The importance of our positive actions can never be recognized enough. From empowering the angels we create to connecting to the souls of the righteous and receiving their assistance, this week we can gain the strength to overcome the darkness and go the extra mile in our spiritual work.
Присоединяйтесь к Майклу Бергу, содиректору Каббала Центра, который передает учения величайших каббалистов истории в этих мощных уроках о дарах и энергии, которые преподносит нам каждая неделя.