Ноябрь 20, 2013
Октябрь 30, 2008
The Generation of the Flood reached a level of negativity that was so extreme that it needed to be cleansed. In the Zohar, Rav Shimon Bar Yochai relates that the Zohar itself is the Ark for our generation. Relative to his generation Noach was righteous, but he did not have the ability to remove the decree against the generation, but encoded in the story of Noach are secrets about how the even the most negative person can draw blessings to the world when they have a desire to help others. Join Michael as he reveals how the portion of Noach contains tools for strengthening our desire and revealing blessings in our lives and for the entire world.
Присоединяйтесь к Майклу Бергу, содиректору Каббала Центра, который передает учения величайших каббалистов истории в этих мощных уроках о дарах и энергии, которые преподносит нам каждая неделя.