Ноябрь 20, 2013
Декабрь 16, 2009
In the portion of Miketz, Joseph the Righteous begins to openly manifest his potential by interpreting the dreams of Pharoah and becoming a major leader in Egypt. Join Michael as he reveals how with the energy of Miketz and Chanukah we can open the channel for creating miracles and remove the blockages that prevent us from connecting to the Or HaGanuz, the Concealed Light, within the Zohar.
Присоединяйтесь к Майклу Бергу, содиректору Каббала Центра, который передает учения величайших каббалистов истории в этих мощных уроках о дарах и энергии, которые преподносит нам каждая неделя.