Lesson 60
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Талмуд 10 сфирот
Lessons 41 - 60

Lesson 60

Опубликовано: Ноябрь 21, 2013
Записано: Апрель 1, 2009

Нравится 6 Коментарии Поделиться

Основные моменты урока

  • Adam Kadmon: the innermost 10 vessels of the Kav
  • Atzilut enclothes Adam Kadmon
  • Atzilut, Briyah, Yetzirah and Asiyah are lesser degrees
  • Asiyah is the most external world
  • In the Kav internal has a higher spiritual degree and external has a lower spiritual degree; in the Kelim d'Igulim external is a higher spiritual degree and  internal has a lower spiritual degree
  • Gadol/Gedulah: refers to Chesed, but on levels where the Light is not recieved
  • Chesed: giving goodness to someone who desires it; the enjoyment of receiving makes the giving Chesed
  • The Ari forced the Light to come down into Briyah, Yetzirah and Asiya
  • The real study of Kabbalah: understanding the study forces Light into the world
  • Receiving by taking inside
  • Two ways of receiving:
    • externally: receiving pleasure without taking it inside
    • internally: receiving by taking pleasure in
  • Developing an external vessel
  • Partaking of others pain and pleasure as our own

Об этом курсе

One of the most profound studies The Kabbalah Centre offers to our community, Ten Luminous Emanations is a study of the writings of master kabbalist Rav Ashlag that discuss the mysteries of life, the Creator and the cosmos. As Rav Berg explains, Ten Luminous Emanations is the software, that permits us to tap into what is already known out there in the universe that is structured, that knows no chaos. It is not the inability of the software or the hardware that may change our lives and enhance our lifestyles, but rather that if we could have the best software program and the best hardware. If I do not know how to press the buttons, the results will never be there. Join Michael Berg, Co-Director of The Kabbalah Centre, for this advanced study to elevate your consciousness and shift your perception of the world.

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