Lesson 1: Malchut
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The Tree of Life
The Ladder of Transformation

Lesson 1: Malchut

Опубликовано: Ноябрь 21, 2013
Записано: Май 5, 2009

Нравится 85 Коментарии 9 Поделиться

Основные моменты урока

  • The purpose of life: to receive pleasure from the Creator
  • The purpose of the Ten Sefirot
  • Malchut corresponds to: moon, female, vessel, negative pole, nukva, shechinah, queen, bride, kingdom
  • The Head: Keter, Chochmah, Binah
  • The Body (Zeir Anpin): Chesed, Gevurah, Tiferet, Netzach, Hod and Yesod
  • The Feet: Malchut
  • Stable Malchut, Unstable Malchut
  • Restriction
  • Tithing
  • Sweetening of Malchut by Binah
  • The Chariot for Malchut: King David
  • 15th day of the month
  • Connecting with a perfected vessel on Shabbat
  • Awe and positive fear

Описание урока

In this first of ten classes, David explains how the the ten sefirot, the ten spiritual dimensions that Light must pass through before reaching our physical world function, how we can connect with them, and the unique features they possess.  Learn how the level of Malchut functions and how we can fully connect to its positive attributes. The importance of learning about the Tree of Life is not so that we gain an intellectual understanding, but that we internalize this wisdom and increase our ability to connect to the Light.

Об этом курсе

Discover the meaning of one of the most recognizable kabbalistic symbols and concepts, the Tree of Life or the Ten Sefirot. These ten spiritual dimensions function as filters that the Light of the Creator must pass through before reaching our physical world. Join Senior Instructor David Ghiyam for this ten lesson course and learn how to connect with each of the Ten Sefirot and the energy and attributes they bring to our lives. The concepts taught in this course increase awareness of what is occurring in the Upper Worlds. With this elevated consciousness we can draw more Light into our lives through every action.

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Коментарии 9