Ноябрь 25, 2013
Февраль 24, 2010
The Shabbat preceding Purim is known as Shabbat Zachor and helps us connect to the energy of certainty and removal of doubt that we connect with in a greater way on Purim. Join Michael for this study on the portion of Tetzaveh and Shabbat Zachor that prepares us for the energy of Purim and understanding that as we develop our ability to be truly simple we close the openings that the Negative side uses to create chaos in our lives.
Присоединяйтесь к Майклу Бергу, содиректору Каббала Центра, который передает учения величайших каббалистов истории в этих мощных уроках о дарах и энергии, которые преподносит нам каждая неделя.