Ноябрь 25, 2013
Май 12, 2010
The portion of Bamidbar starts the fourth book of the Bible of the same name and literally tells of the story of Moses counting the Israelites. Join Michael as he explains new understandings of the danger of ego and the importance of making ourselves become like the desert as well as the consciousness of doing our part of the work and knowing that the Creator will do his part of the work. In addition to these powerful teachings, Michael reveals the importance of appreciating our uniqueness in the world and revelation of Kabbalah in the world.
Присоединяйтесь к Майклу Бергу, содиректору Каббала Центра, который передает учения величайших каббалистов истории в этих мощных уроках о дарах и энергии, которые преподносит нам каждая неделя.